Chapter 5: Pat

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Wants to shoot an arrow through ginger Keith's neck to see how he likes it

Jk pats too sweets for that and instead forgave him <3 (I would shoot him tho for pats revenge 😇)

stole two keyrings in his life one was a top gun and the other was a bow and arrow- how ironic

He and fanny knows captains name which is
- sorry it's broken and shown up invisible 😔

Secretly loves it when cap gets a scout answer wrong cause it makes him feel smart.

as a kid wanted to be a famous footballer or radio host

He always begs Alison to call up carol so he can listen to her talk

Misses his grandson pat and cried happy tears when he saw him

Supports Morris and Carols relationship even though he's still deeply inlove with her

Makes the clubs and stuff because it reminds him of his scouts

He has like 5 blue Peter badges which he is really proud of

Would love the office. I don't know why but would just love it

Loves David Attenborough and made alison put a picture of him on his wall

Julian and him have staring contests

Him and Humphrey talk about mustaches

Loves dogs and had 3 as a kid and always wanted one with carol but she was allergic

When he was alive loved going down to the chippy and used to feed the seagulls. He would feel bad for them so he would buy extra chips for the seagulls

Misses dunking digestives into hot chocolate and gets annoyed when mike or Alison don't dip it for the right amount of time

Has dreams of carol and him

Once made Julian search up his son's name to see what he does for a living and was really proud of him

Him and robin sometimes play mums and dads in his room but instead of mums and dads it's boy and dog

Loves dancing with kitty

Fav song is the YMCA and he taught everyone the actions to it

Ghosts Head cannons which are most definitely not capWhere stories live. Discover now