Chapter 8: Humphrey

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Had the best mustache ever and that's 100% acu-rat

When he told Sophie to leave he didn't think she would actually leave

Has dreams/nightmares that his head is on different bodies, like on pat's or on a animal

Was really confused when he died cause he was just a head and only had robin there with him

Dead inside- well he is dead but yk what I mean

Sophie didn't get away with her little scheme thing and he feels bad everyday about it

Loves reading books

If he could meet one person dead or alive it would be Charles I to discuss what it's like just being a head.

Favourite food was chocolate moose or custard

If he had a job today he would be a barber <3

Hates it when someone just walks past him without picking him up and yells at them until they pick him up

When he gets chucked places he feels like he's flying <3

Absolutely hates his body, he thinks it's really dumb

Gets the ick from fanny.

Bi or pan. And there's no debate on that

Loves to read but then again hates it because of sophies book club

Him and Mary fight about their deaths but in reality are besties

Humphrey knows about Mary's witch trial

Him, mary and Annie were called 'Tripple threat - a body'

Sometimes thinks that if he had tried to connect more with Sophie or learnt more french to understand her that his death wouldn't have happened

Gets annoyed at Thomas when he just uses his head as a ball

Feels bad when he sacred Alison

If he was in school now, he would have got a U in languages and a 9 in history. (9 is like a A*) (U means unmarketable I think. It's basically worse than a fail)

Is part Scottish and can do an impressive Scottish accent

Day dreams a lot

He's the one who taught fanny all about the history of Button House and about Henry VI staying and stuff

Wants justice for his name- doesn't want to be known for plotting against the queen.

Julian used to say he had a thing  for feet and that's why he's always on the floor. He bit his ankle as payback <3

Absolute fitty and is one of my and larryrickard  many significant other. 🥺

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