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PROFESSOR HOOCH WAS DEFINITELY GONNA BE one of her favorite teachers. That may also be because she was the Quidditch director and referee. She had gray hair and yellow eyes. She was strict but cool. So Katelyn liked her.

Katelyn stood beside Ron, everyone else having picked their brooms already. She glanced around at the class. Gryffindors and Slytherins. Again. She stepped up beside the broom that was on the ground.

"H-Hey, Katelyn?" She looked up to find Neville Longbottom looking at her nervously, fidgeting with the end of his robe. She tilted her head at him, curious. "Mind if we... switch brooms?" He asked nervously, looking down at the ground after a second. She glanced at where his broom was and saw it between Draco and Goyle.

"Sure, Longbottom," she patted his shoulder and ruffled his hair. She took her place next to Neville's old broom while he deflated in relief and took hers. His cheeks were a bit red, from Katelyn touching him or the nervousness to ask, she didn't know. She fist-bumped Draco and looked over to where the professor was walking over.

"Good afternoon, class," Madam Hooch said as she walked between the two rows of brooms that were laid out in front of the students in the grass. It was their lesson about brooms. Katelyn honestly didn't know why she was in the class, but she wasn't gonna question it.

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch," everyone chorused.

"Good afternoon, Amanda. You too, Black," the woman said, giving Katelyn a nod who gave one right back. Madam Hooch knew her aunt and uncle. She was there during some of Katelyn's quidditch games from smaller leagues refereeing her games. Katelyn saluted her while the woman backtracked slightly to stand in front of her. "What are you doing here? I would've expected McGonagall to have you in my advanced classes. Hmm." The woman continued before Katelyn could say anything.

Katelyn turned to look at Draco, blinking slowly. The platinum blonde shrugged back at her, shaking his head. Katelyn focused back on the woman.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson," Madam Hooch said, putting her hands on her hips as her yellow eyes burned into all the students' souls. "What are you waiting for? An invitation? Everyone, step up to the left side of their broomstick, to the right if you are left-handed," she instructed.

They all did as they were told (all of them except for Katelyn who had already been in that position).

"Stick your right hand over the broom and say, 'up'."

"Up," Katelyn said, leaning heavily on her left foot. Madam Hooch was right, she should be in more advanced broom classes, but since first-years are forbidden to have their own brooms and don't have much of a chance to get on the quidditch team in the first year, she must've wanted her to be 'normal'. Or whatever.

The broom flew into her hand effortlessly. She barely flinched, staring down at the piece of wood before looking over at Harry.

Everyone began to chant the word 'up' as they tried to get their broom to levitate into their hand. Hermione was staring at her in bewilderment from across the aisle while Katie just rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Show off," Katie said and Katelyn winked at her, stuffing her hand in her pocket. Harry got the broom to levitate first try just as she did which makes sense, he had James' blood running through his body. He was a born quidditch player. Draco was the next to get it on the first try, grinning over at Katelyn.

She grinned back at him, giving him a high-five.

Hermione continued to try along with Katie, but neither of the two seemed to get it anywhere higher than a few inches off the ground. Katelyn wanted to help, but Ron got hit in the face with his broom making a surprised laugh fall from her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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