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SHE HATED BEING LATE. It was a known fact. She was either on time or early. Never late. So when her cousin got in her way, preventing her from continuing to the Transfiguration classroom, Katelyn was annoyed.

"What do you want, Kai?" She demanded. She didn't get a very good night's sleep, her nightmares keeping her up most of the night and she had to wake up early to go to class. She didn't need whatever her idiotic cousin wanted.

"Will you relax? I just wanna talk," Kai grinned. His two goons that followed him around everywhere and were just as equally idiots (if not more) smirked at her. Katelyn had learned from Killian and Rebekah early on that Kai was a jerk, luckily he'd been too afraid to go against her when they were younger, but apparently he grew a pair.

"With your mouth or your fists?" Katelyn deadpanned, rolling her eyes.

Kai smiled at her and grabbed her book, looking it over as he circled her. She stared boredly at the two boys who hadn't moved. "Transfiguration. Lame class if you ask me," Kai hummed thoughtfully.

"Good thing nobody asked," Katelyn mused with a sarcastic grin, "then we'd have to hear you complain about a class that has no faults other than you being in it." She gave him a mock look of sympathy and patted his shoulder, "hey, it's okay, we all have our strengths and weaknesses... well, more so weaknesses in your case," she cooed with a malicious glint in her eye. She patted his cheek and snatched her book back.

Kai sneered, annoyed. He looked back at his friends and found them giving him a nod. He smirked and looked at his younger cousin. "I get it. You're mad at the world because you're the only one in the family who doesn't have a father that cares about her. It's alright to feel that way," he gave a mock look of sympathy, ruffling her hair, his smile and eyes cruel. Kai's friends snickered behind her.

Katelyn felt as if she'd been punched to the gut. Kai knew that her father was a sore subject. Had been since she was five. And he threw it in her face just to impress his friends.

"Real classy, Malikai. You're gonna be a great addition to the Wizarding World," Katelyn said sarcastically, spinning on her heel and walking away, shoving the two boys apart. They both stumbled and almost hit the walls. She strutted away, keeping her head high despite the anvil sitting on her chest and the tears that burned her throat.

She barely realized when she got to the Transfiguration classroom. The only reason she did was because she almost ran right into Harry and Ron who were out of breath from running.

"Oh, hello, Katelyn," Harry said, breathing heavily. Katelyn raised an eyebrow and fixed the two boys' ties. Ron didn't say anything, but also didn't pull away.

"Why are you two late?" She asked, confused as she eyed the two of them. Nothing seemed to be out of sorts so clearly they weren't being picked on or jumped.

Ron grumbled, "we got lost." Katelyn scoffed through her nose in amusement.

"What's your excuse?" Harry asked, eyeing her slightly red eyes.

"No reason," Katelyn replied, "now, come on. McGonagall will get pissed off more if we're out here any longer." She pushed open the door to the Transfiguration classroom. The classroom was large in size surrounded by high windows. It had four rows of three desks and still had enough room for more. In the front were two chalkboards and a teachers desk. Speaking of the teachers desk, Katelyn grimaced when she saw a tabby cat with gray stripes watching the three of them as they entered.

Some people turned to see who had entered late. Katie and Hermione both rolled their eyes at the three.

Harry and Ron rushed forward to take the desk at the very front of class smack dab in the middle. Katelyn followed behind them, her head high and a nonchalance that had the cat staring at her with an annoyed glare.

The Lion's Snake | h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now