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SEPTEMBER 1ST. PLATFORM . Katelyn has been to the platform plenty of times. For the last five years, she's been coming with her mother's side of the family to send off her oldest cousin, Kai. Then two years into the five, her second oldest cousin, Rebekah, was being sent off. Then last year, her third oldest cousin, Killian, was being sent off as well.

Now it was her turn. Her mother stood by her side, muttering to the Katelyn's owl. 

The creature was pure black with eyes that matched Katelyn's. On the stomach, there were three white spots shaped in a triangle. 

Midnight was a magnificent and beautiful creature.

People gave Camilla weird looks, but Katelyn and the other Royal's barely batted an eye. The women in the family could speak to animals, their brains already programmed with thousands of different languages that the animals speak.

"Are you ready?" Her cousin, Rebekah, asked, looking at Katelyn curiously. She was stone-faced otherwise. Rebekah didn't show emotion other than hatred, anger, and annoyance around people. Well, unless she was alone with Katelyn and their friend, Kathryn.

"Yeah, I am," Katelyn grinned.

Kai had disappeared the second they got on the platform to join his friends. Kai had been put in Gryffindor even though from first glance, someone would think he was a Slytherin. He was stupidly brave and far too reckless for his own good.

Rebekah had been put in Ravenclaw. She was witty and very intelligent. And she's super creative. If you needed someone to make something—anything—, she was definitely your girl.

Then there was Killian who was in Slytherin. He had big goals and the ambition to match them. He was cunning and quick. He and Rebekah made a good team.


Rebekah gave her cousin a curt nod before saying goodbye to the family and boarding the train to find her friends. Katelyn turned toward Eliza who pulled her away with Camilla right behind. 

"Remember what we told you?" Eliza asked her niece quietly.

She nodded. "Watch over Harry and make sure that he doesn't get killed," Katelyn replied, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

Poppy snickered while the two older women gave her a look.

"He'll be fine," Katelyn promised, "I'll watch him." 

Camilla and Eliza had put Katelyn in a primary muggle school with Harry Potter when she came of age.

Eliza and Camilla were both Harry's godmothers', but Albus Dumbledore had given Harry to Lily's sister (which Lily had specifically said not to do if she and James were to ever die).

Ever since he was given away, Camilla and Eliza have been building a case to earn back custody of him. 

"Harry and I will be fine," Katelyn grinned at her mother and aunt. 

"Alright," Camilla sighed, wrapping her arm around her daughter and kissing her forehead. "You two need to stay out of trouble. You were both almost expelled three times last year," she said seriously, giving her daughter a pleading look. 

Katelyn can only smile at her mother. Wherever Katelyn Royal and Harry Potter go, trouble is drawn to them like a magnet. Half of the stuff that happened last year wasn't even their faults. 

Camilla sighed heavily. 

Eliza hugged Katelyn once Camilla pulled away. "You're going to do great, mitica," Eliza whispered into her ear. Katelyn tightened her arms around the woman and nodded into her shoulder. 

The Lion's Snake | h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now