Chapter Eight

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OPHELIA MARCHED THROUGH the dark but acquainted corridor in search of something she wasn't aware, despite feeling the presence of inner turmoil she didn't sense herself as if it wasn't her or rather it was certainly someone else, someone more thoughtful, someone more mature and someone who rather didn't hold the innocence of the young twelve-year-old. Still, it didn't change the element that it was her.

The inner turmoil of this Slytherin witch came to an end when a silhouette halted her quest. The silhouette presumably a boy was quite tall and his slight athletic figure clad in a black suit. Just like earlier she didn't know the person but she could feel a sense of familiarity and also a sense of security. A feeling that even if the person allured danger she knew he would never hurt her.

"How many times have I told you to keep this thing away from me?" He stepped closer to the doe eyed girl.

She sighed, "I didn't know he was with you; I had let him out for few minutes you see and I can't keep him caged for so long. Seems like he enjoys your company more than me."

As if on cue a white furred cat with its silver eyes started making its way towards its mother rather than the cats desired company of the black suited man. The unknown cat snuggled to Ophelia as he purred at the presence of its caregiver.

She picked the fur ball in her arms, petting him. He rumbled with satisfaction at the attention he was receiving. Ophelia stared at his grey piercing eyes staring back at her, she couldn't help but feel that she has seen it somewhere before.

But her assertion was short lived when someone shook her violently, screaming at her. She closed her eyes at the certain reaction.


She opened them again to see Draco Malfoy standing above her with look of confusion, other Slytherin were also their looking at the unfolding scene in front of them.

Ophelia glanced around to see that now she was in her common rather than the dark lit corridor and there was no white furred cat or the silhouette of black suited boy. Except there were worried, confused and curious looking Slytherin classmates of her.

"Draco, I think we should take her to the infirmary." Nott suggested, pulling his best friend out his trance.

Daphne Greengrass agreed, "I think Nott is right Malfoy we should do that, she doesn't look quite well."

"Or we can just leave her here on her own why are even bothering for a mudblood when we can be happily enjoying our dinner," Parkinson shrieked.

"Shut up Parkinson, I think we should take her to Pomfrey." Malfoy seethed.

Pansy Parkinson couldn't tolerate the fact of not being the receiving end of Draco Malfoy's attention and she was not someone to back down from something without a fight, she was adamant to show how useless and unnecessary it was to help the mudblood who tricked her way into such an auspicious house.

She screamed, "Why are you even bothering with this Mudblood she is foul, her blood is foul and not to forget she tricked her way into our house she doesn't even deserve to be here with us in this common room or most importantly in Slytherin. Why?"

"Parkinson don't-"

"Stop...." Ophelia tried to regain her voice as she stood up from her lying pose regaining her composure, ".... Stop talking about me as if I am not her and I fine."

Malfoy interrupted, "No I think you should get checked, I don't think you just fainted for nothing?"

"No, I didn't faint for nothing Malfoy it must be the side effect of the healing potion Madame Pomfrey was talking about and as must appreciate all of your concern I am completely fine now."

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