Chapter 6

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Almost 3 years had gone by and Izuku was covered in bandages. He was awfully skinny, the people running the facility only given him enough food to survive but they gave him loads more when they thought he was going to die. His eyes no longer glowed but were dull and lifeless as he succumbed to this place and accepted that he wouldn't make it out of here unless it was in a coffin. The only time he had felt joy in this place was when he was giving books to read after every experiment for being a "good boy". He was also giving notebooks where he wrote down everything they had done to him and how he felt as a way to keep himself sane.


Izuku was awoken by the sound of screaming and pleads for mercy. Cautiously, he got out of bed and began to make his way to the door before it was violently swung open.

"You can escape now, we've come to-" the man started but stopped when he saw Izuku. Izuku took a step back and held his hands to his chest. He looked at the man in fear and awe, not knowing whether to truly trust what he said or not.

"You're a kid," the man spoke again, "these people are truly monsters. They experimented on a kid to."

Izuku opened his mouth to say something but closed it, scared he would say the wrong thing. A voice called out to the man, telling him to hurry up and the man yelled back he was coming. He walked towards Izuku and the boy tensed up as the man picked him up. The man told Izuku he was going to be ok and he was going to get him out of here before running out of the room.

The man sprinted down corridors and up flights of stairs, killing the facility workers as he did so. Izuku watched in astonishment as the man killed the staff as they begged him for mercy. He wrapped his hands around the man's neck and hid his face in the crook of his neck as their screams of terror overstimulated him.

"I'm sorry, just hang in there for me ok buddy," the man said.

"Okay," Izuku whispered back.


It had taken a while but they had finally made it out of the facility. The man holding Izuku made his way to a small group of people who Izuku assumed helped him storm the place. As they made their way over Izuku watched as hundreds of people ran out of the facility thanking their saviours.

The young boy looked up at the sky and gasped as he saw the moon and stars for the first time. The light slowly came back into his eyes as he stared up in amazement. He thanked the man and all the elder male did was chuckle as he told Izuku he was safe now. Izuku smiled as he rested his head in the crook of the man's neck again and fell asleep.


"So what are you..."

"...until he wakes up"

Izuku heard voices talking as he slowly woke up. He got up silently from the bed he was in and tip toed towards the door.

"When you find some information on him tell me so I can track down his parents."

"Will do, see ya."

"See ya."

The sound of footsteps approaching alerted Izuku and he rushed back to his bed and pretended to sleep. He heard the door creek and someone walk up the bed. The person sighed and left the room, closing the door slowly. Izuku listened intently to the sound of footsteps walking away to make sure that whoever it was, wasn't still in the room. When he was a hundred percent sure, he opened his eyes and sat up.

He looked around, coming to terms that last night really did happen and he was free. The room he was in completely contrasted the room he was in when he was at the facility. The wallpaper was brown and the floor was carpeted. The carpet was red and had a gold pattern on it. He was in a bed now and not just a mattress on the floor. He also had a window which upon seeing it, caused him to grip his bedsheets.

As the small green head sat on the bed, he looked up at the ceiling and wondered what the future may hold for him.

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