Chapter 3

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"Bye mummy!" Izuku shouted while he skipped down the corridor. Inko waved goodbye to her husband and son as she closed the door behind them. She had been invited to go out with them but she needed time to think so she went to the couch and turned on her favourite TV show while opening a packet of cookies. Her phone began to ring and Inko suspected her husband had called to tell her he had forgotten something. She paused the TV before looking at her phone and was surprised to see it was a Private number. A bit skeptical she picked up the phone.

"I am a government official."

Inko was taken back by how straight forward this scammer was being but decided to entertain him, "Oh, yeah prove it."

"There's going to be a knock on your door right now."

Inko scoffed but nearly jumped out of her seat when she heard a knock. She stood up to go answer it and was surprised to see men in suits. She let them in and took a seat on the couch bracing herself for what they were about to say.

"We are a secret organisation that was set up by the government to find cures to diseases in ways that the public simply wouldn't agree with."

"And what's that got to do with me?"

"We want your son to experiment on him, for a price of course."

"Why would you need him?"

"We only experiment on the quirkless since people are less likely to care if they disappear."

"Is that so?"

"So do we have a deal Mrs Midoriya?"

"How much money will I get if I sell him to you?"

The man in the suit snapped his fingers and the other man holding an envelope handed it over to Inko. She opened it and almost screamed.

"R-really," Inko sputtered, she couldn't believe the number she was reading.

"Yes really," the man stated calmly.

"Then you've got yourself a deal."

The two shook hands before the men took off after making Inko sign a contract that stated that she wouldn't tell anyone except for her husband if she felt like he would agreed with what they were doing. After the men left, Inko happily smiled to herself before turning back on the TV.


"Omg daddy look at that," the small greenhead pointed to the tiger in its enclosure. He tugged his father's hand to lead him in that direction and all the man could do was smile.

"Yes Izuku, that's a tiger," Hisashi laughed.

"Wow, it's so pretty, can I have one?" Izuku asked his father.

"Well, um," Hisashi stuttered.

"Please, I'll take really good care of it and I'll," Izuku started before something else caught his attention, "dad, dad, look at that."

The small child ran over to a different enclosure and his father sighed with relief. Thank God for little kids having a small attention spam. Hisashi followed to Izuku who was marvelling over the zebras.

"Daddy," Izuku vocalized.

"Yes Izuku," His dad answered.

"Why did they paint those horses?" Izuku questioned.

Hisashi let out a little giggle before responding, "Those are zebras Izuku not a horse but they do come from the same ancestors."

"What does that mean?" Izuku inquired. Hisashi wasn't sure if his child would fully grasp what the actual reason was so he tried to simplify it as best he could and then added that you'll learn and understand it more when you grow up which Izuku just nodded his head at.

The four year old boy then began to skip towards a building and his father quickly took his hand.

"Dad look, it's a bird that can swim!"

"Yes Izuku that's a penguin."

Izuku giggled as he watched the penguins walk before imitating them.

"Dad look," Izuku laughed, "I'm walking like a penguin."

Hisashi laughed softly as he watched his son waddle down the slop before running towards a tank and pointing at a fish.

"Dad, they have nemo," Izuku exclaimed, "we have to help him find his dad!"

Izuku began to tear up and Hisashi felt his heartstrings being yanked out. He hated seeing his son sad and struggled to find what to say to make him feel better. He muttered a thank goodness as he watched another fish, identical to the first one swim up.

"Look Izuku, his dad has found him," Hisashi said and pointed at the tank.

"Yay!" Izuku grinned from ear to ear. Hisashi beamed back at his son and picked him up so they could explore the rest of the zoo.


"Dad," Izuku's words were muffled as his mouth was full with food.

"Swallow your food first Izuku and then talk remember," His dad spoke.

Izuku swallowed his food before saying, "Sorry."

"It's alright now what did you want to say?"

"You know how nemo was lost and then was found by his dad."


"If I was ever lost would you look for me?"

Hisashi looked at his son and wondered what had prompted him to ask such a question. He dismissed it as curiosity as children often ask questions like that when they're curious.

"Of course I would, why are you asking?"

"No reason," Izuku said before eating his food again.


"We're home!" Izuku shouted as he ran through the front door and jumped onto his mother's lap. Inko cringed a bit before putting a smile on her face.

"That's great honey, did you have fun?"

"Yep and look what we got for you."

Izuku held up a snow globe and smiled at his mother who looked at it in awe.

"It's beautiful honey."

"I knew you'd like it."

Inko put Izuku onto the floor and told him to brush his teeth and get ready for bed. Izuku immediately did as he was told and scampered of to the bathroom. Hisashi chuckled and was about to follow suit when Inko called out his name.

"Yes honey?" Hisashi asked and turned towards his wife. Inko opened her mouth but couldn't find the words to say what she wanted to say.

"I love you," she said instead because she did love him and because of her love for him she did what she did.

"I love you to," Hisashi replied and then planted a kiss on her forehead before disappearing into the hallway.

'Will you still love me after what I just agreed to though.' Inko thought to herself and she hoped he did because she did what she did because she loved him and wanted the best for him, for both of them.

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