Chapter 4

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"Izuku slow down or else you'll choke on your food," Hisashi warned. Today was Izuku's 5th birthday and they had taken him to his favourite restaurant to eat. The young boy just shrugged his father of before beginning to cough. His mother laughed and gently began to slap his back until the young green head took in a deep breath.

"I told you," Hisashi chuckled and Izuku pouted. He continued to eat his katsudon and drank his fizzy drink slowly as to not choke again. The trio then left the restaurant but not before paying for their food. On the walk home, they passed by a park which Izuku begged to go into and play.

"Only for 10 minutes," Inko said and Izuku beamed. He ran of to the swings and tried to swing himself but was frustrated when he was unable to. His father came over and assisted him, pushing the young boy as high as he could without giving himself a heart attack.

"Just a little bit higher, please," Izuku begged and his dad relented.

"One day when your a bit taller you'll be able to push yourself on the swings."



Hisashi continued to push Izuku until Inko beckoned them over to go home. Izuku ran over to his mother, grabbing her left hand while he held out his hand for his dad's right hand. When Hisashi grasped Izuku's tiny hand, the now 5 year old began to skip.


"Time for bed now little mister," Inko said as she locked the front door.

"Can't I stay up for a little longer," Izuku pleaded.

"No you have school tomorrow."

"Please," Izuku pleaded again and gave his mother the best puppy dog eyes that he could muster. However, Inko didn't relent and gave him a stern look which made Izuku huff and do as he was told. Hisashi giggled as he made his way to his son's bedroom to pick out a story to read to him. Inko made her way to her shared bedroom when she got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" Inko asked, a bit skeptical as she heard the sound of a moving truck.

"We'll be collecting him in 40 minutes, is that a reasonable time for you," a voice replied. Inko was shocked to say the least, she was about to tell whoever was on the other side that they had a wrong number and was getting ready to report them to the police when she remembered the deal she agreed to a year ago.

Inko sighed and opened the door a bit to hear that Hisashi was near to the end of the story he was reading to Izuku. She then answered the voice saying, "Yeah that will be fine."


The person on the other side of the phone then abruptly hung up and Inko sat down on the edge of her bed and burrowed her hands in her face.

"Are you ok?"

Inko jumped and turned to see her husband looking at her in concern. She forced a small smile on her face as she told him that she was just tired. Hisashi kissed his wife on the cheek before they both settled into bed.

"Love you," Hisashi said before shifting over onto his side.

"Love you to," Inko said before shifting over onto her side and closing her eyes. That night she wondered if what she did was truly the right thing to do.


Izuku's eyes opened slowly as he heard the sound of something trying to be opened.

"Dad," Izuku whispered. No reply came and he began to sit upright in his bed and turned towards his bedroom door. He looked towards the door and the noise continued but there was no sign of the door trying to be opened.

"Dad," Izuku said again and got out of bed, wrapping himself in his blanket before making his way towards the door. As he reached for the door knob, he was suddenly yanked back and his mouth was covered. Izuku tried to scream but his mouth was covered with a cloth. The 5 year old struggled and writhed in the kidnappers hold, clenching the mysterious persons arms and digging his fingernails into them.

"Go to sleep already you stupid brat," a voice whispered loudly. Izuku continued to fight however, twisting and turning while also kicking his feet before he felt tired. Izuku tried to fight the tiredness but he soon went limp in the unknown persons arm and before he finally passed out, he heard a finally being muttered.

The masked figure climbed back out of the window with Izuku slung over his shoulder and made his way to the truck with no license plate on it. Two more masked figures opened the back of the van, letting the other person in before driving of into the night.


"Inko!" Hisashi shouted before bursting into his shared bedroom. Inko jumped and dropped her phone onto the bed. She put a hand over her heart and steadied her breathing before asking Hisashi what was wrong.

"Someone's taken Izuku!" Hisashi bellowed. His eyes were frantic and he paced around the room repeating the words, 'what do we do' and 'who could've taken him'.

Inko's heart ached as she watched her husband panic. She thought for a bit about telling him what happened but knew that he would be disgusted with her and wouldn't understand that this is what was best for both of them.

"I'll call the police," Inko said. She stood up and put a comforting hand on her husband. She placed a hand on his shoulder and led him to the bed.

"I'll call the police," Inko repeated, "and bring you a glass of water so you can calm down, is that okay?"

Hisashi nodded while Inko left the room. Izuku's dad took deep breaths while he thought of who would possibly take Izuku. Inko soon returned with a glass of water and her phone to her ear.

"Yes my husband couldn't find him," Inko said to the phone.

"What are they saying?" Hisashi asked but Inko only put a finger up in response.

"Thank you, thank you, please find my son," Inko's eyes started to tear up, "he's our pride and joy."

Inko wiped the tears falling down her face but hanging up the phone.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Hisashi quiered.

"Yeah, he's strong," Inko said holding back tears, "and they'll find him."

The two parents looked at each other before the tears started to fall down quicker and they were soon in each others embrace.

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