13: Love Hurts (?)

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Taylor refused to take a limousine, she had all but demanded it gone. What they had instead was an SUV that looked like it could take on a tank. It was better, but not by much. She also insisted Santiago dress more casually for their day out. So, the guard did. However, seeing him in something other than a plain suit took Taylor some getting used to.

His hair was tied half up, wrapped back in part while the rest was left to hang loose against his back behind his ears. He wore a pair of faded relaxed jeans, high-top sneakers, and a t-shirt that fit his form extremely well. It was a refreshing change from his stuffy formal attire. Taylor noticed his eyes, they were dark brown, and thought about how she could convince him not to wear his contacts. She knew they irritated him. With a frown, she looked back towards the road as Santiago finally relaxed. She had been staring at him for an uncomfortably long time.

"Was there any particular destination you had in mind, Taylor?" Santiago tried his best to speak informally.

"Uh. I hadn't thought farther than 'get out of the house.'" Taylor admitted. Fiddling with the sleeve of her denim jacket. Beneath it was a bright tank and tattered shorts. Her own hair was held back by a folded plain bandanna, yellow of course. She reached back to tighten the tie of her hairpiece as she spoke. "Is there anywhere you want to check out?"

"Not nearby." Yellowstone was quite a ways away then. Heidi's geyser would have to wait.

"Whelp." Taylor clicked her tongue, lamenting their predicament. "This might be a waste of gas then." She muttered, flipping over the visor to study her eye makeup in the mirror. She had smudged a bit. Licking her thumb she wiped it across her cheek, attempting to remove her wandering mascara. Santiago glanced in her direction before returning his attention to the road.

Marcus was disappointed that he was not asked to come with. On one hand, he had plenty of work to keep his mind occupied, on the other he would've gladly responded to a distraction. However, Taylor's mind reeled with anxious thoughts. So, Santiago accompanied her for the sake of Marcus' comfort and Marcus gave Taylor her space for hers. The emotions which bubbled in Taylor's gut were various and difficult to identify. Nerves most certainly, confusion, and excitement. Along with a foreboding sense of dread.

Taylor frowned when she opened her eyes. Then forced a smile as a world of temperate greenery passed by the vehicle in a blur. Santiago eyed Taylor once again. He had forgotten just how many facial expressions she could go through in a silent minute.

"Santiago!" The guard's brows perked at Taylor's exclamation. "What do you wanna do? It's too quiet in here. What do you want to do?" Taylor turned on the radio only to turn it down to a rhythmic whisper.

"I..." Santiago trailed off. Eyes widening as he tilted his head to calm the adrenaline. "Would like to do...whatever you would like to do..."

"No. Sir-no." Taylor sighed. "You are a unique individual with likes and dislikes. Aspirations and hobbies. There's gotta be something you're interested in." Santiago took a breath, hesitant to speak his mind. However, Taylor may take offense at his hesitance. So he caved.

"There is one destination that I have in mind. Somewhere we could go with the purpose of stocking materials for a recent hobby." Santiago admitted.

"Great! Let's go there!" Taylor smiled wide, turning the radio up as she settled into her seat. Looking at the window in bouncing anticipation to soon be out of the cramped car. Santiago, much to his own surprise, turned the radio down. This caught Taylor's attention. With tapping fingers Santiago decided to voice his concerns.

"After this, after I've gathered my materials. My thoughts were that we go somewhere quiet." Santiago didn't turn to see Taylor's face. "I do not claim to understand your turmoil, nor do I fully assume what you are experiencing is turmoil. However, it is abundantly clear that you have something on your mind." He gripped the wheel in slight, looking ahead to an oncoming stop sign. "The last time we parted, when you were busying yourself then, you ended up in the hospital. After battling a gargantuan beast, on your own." Santiago turned to Taylor as he pulled to a stop. "I apologize if my casual demeanor is out of line. If you wish to rebuke your order for me to speak in a less formal tone I will understand. My last thought voiced unprompted would be this; speaking on things does well to bring clarity to what we do not understand. Hiding, and running, is a cowardly play. In the short time we have known each other I have not known you to be a coward. I may be overestimating your comfort in my presence, if so I am sorry. Know that I do not mean you harm and that I would listen to whatever ales you without judgment." Taylor waved him off.

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