Chapter Eleven- Jordan, This Is My Mom.

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Jordan spent the day getting Jeremiah and himself ready, whilst Sammie cleaned up the house and made her favourite meal ‘ Home made chicken burgers and home made chips’ and for dessert ‘Strawberry and Villa trifle’.

It was a very stressful and annoying morning, but when the clock strike ‘1:30PM’ everyone went quite and Sammie phoned her mother.


Bella- “Hello Sammie”

Sammie- “Hey mom”

Bella- “Bill is going to drive down to yours but we don’t know where you live”

Sammie- “We live next door to the old Chinese take away”

Bella- “I know where that is, is your door number 312”

Sammie- “Yes and it’s a Pale white door”

Bella- “Yeah I know that house, Sammie that house is huge! Anyway what time do you want us to come?”

Sammie- “Yeah I know it’s big! How about 4ish?”

Bella- “Yeah that’s fine with me I will see you then!”

Sammie- “Okay mom can’t wait to see you!”

Bella- “Same here sweetie, right see you soon bye”

Sammie- “Bye mom!”

Sammie finished the phone call and found Jordan and Jeremiah staring straight at her.

“So what’s happened?” Asked Jordan

“My mom and her boyfriend Bill are coming round at 4ish, and they know where we live because we used to order from the old Chinese shop next door.” Answered Sammie

“Okay that’s brilliant!” Laughed Jordan

“You excited?” Asked Sammie

“More then you know!” Answered Jordan

“Aw cute!” Giggled Sammie

Sammie carried on making diner whilst Jordan got ready and made Jeremiah look nice and cute, Jordan made the dining room and the table look amazing and vacuumed the floor.

That day went so quick before they knew it the time was 3:59pm; Bella and her partner would be coming in about 10 to 20 minutes.

Sammie finished off making the dinner and placed it in the microwave to cool down.

She rushed up the stairs to have a quick shower and get nicely dressed, whilst Jordan and Jeremiah patiently waited for the visitors to come.


There was a loud knock at the door, which frightened Jeremiah, Jordan, walked slowly to the door and opened it and there in front of him was Bella and Bill.

“You must be Sammie’s mom?” Asked Jordan

“Yes I am Bella and this is bill, I’m so glad we have the right place!” Answered Bella

“Well you do have the right place! And its nice to meet you both, please do come inside” Said Jordan

Bella and Bill made there way inside and there by the stairs was their beautiful daughter, Sammie.

“HI mom…” Said Sammie

“Sammie!” Smiled Bella

Sammie made her way down the stairs to give Bella and Bill a hug.

“I’m glad your okay! I was worried sick when you left without telling me, and… I’m sorry about what happened that night.” Mumbled Bella

“Mom that was the past, I do forgi9ve you… Just think of the future and forget the past” Encouraged Sammie

“Yeah your right! You guys look wonderful!” Smiled Bella

Sammie took a deep breath and started to introduce everyone to Jeremiah and Jordan.

“Mom… Bill, this is Jordan my partner… And I want you to meet little Jeremiah” Said Sammie

“It’s nice too meet you Jordan!” Smiled Bill

“Aw! Look at Jeremiah, he looks so much like you Sammie” Squealed Bella

“And he looks like his dad too!” Laughed Sammie

“Yes he does!” Giggled Bella

“Are you guys hungry?” Asked Jordan

“Yes we are, we saved our tummies for Sammie amazing cooking” Said Bill and Bella

“Well let’s make our way to the dining room then” Laughed Jordan

Jordan showed Bella and Bill to their seats, whilst Sammie served the food to them.

“Sammie this is amazing!” Laughed Bella

“Thanks mom” Said Sammie

“Yeah it looks really good” Spoke Bill

“Thank you” Smiled Sammie

Jordan placed Jeremiah in his baby chair and gave him some baby food, and then they all sat down by the table and started to eat Sammie home made food.

“It’s good to see you again Sammie and I’m glad your okay” Mumbled Bella

“Your mother and I was worried sick…” Spoke Bill

“Oh really?” Asked Sammie

“Yes we shouldn’t off done those things, I’m sorry sweetie” Answered Bella

“I forgive you both but that was the past… I want to forget about it and think positive.” Said Sammie

There was an awkward silence but Jordan broke it up by asking the most intense questions ever…!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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