Chapter Seven- Your Baby Is A...

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The months have flown by so quickly, these five months Jordan hasn’t even placed a hand on Sammie as Jordan said he loves her, and I think he does mean it this time!

This afternoon Sammie and Jordan where going to the hospital to have a check up on Sammie health and on her baby, today was also they day they would find out if they baby is a girl or a boy

Right now Sammie has a huge tummy, Jordan keeps thinking that they’d be having twins, but Sammie not sure about that!

“Are you ready to go Sam?” Asked Jordan

“Ready as I’ll ever be” Answered Sammie

“Okay baby” Laughed Jordan

Jordan helped Sammie into the car and Jordan drove to the hospital, it took them about an hour and a half to actually get to Hereford hospital.

Jordan helped Sammie out the car and into the building; they walked to the reception desk.

“Hello may I help you?” Asked the receptionist

“Yes we are here to see the Doctor: Vile” Answered Nathan

“Name please” Replied the receptionist

“Sammie Orleans” Spoke Nathan

“Oh yes the doctor is waiting for you” Said the receptionist

“Thank you” Mumbled Sammie

Sammie and Nathan walked into the doctor’s room hand in hand.

“Hello Sammie and...” Spoke the doctor

“This is Jordan” Mumbled Sammie

“Oh okay I assume he is the father?” Asked the doctor

“Yeah” Answered Jordan

“Well it’s nice to meet you Jordan” Spoke the doctor

There was a silence between them but then the doctor broke it up by saying…

“Sammie how are you doing anyway? Are you still getting cramps bad like a few months ago?” Asked the doctor

“I feel better then 2 months ago, I still get a little bit of cramps and tummy pains but it isn’t as worse then before” Answered Sammie

“Okay that’s good, well today we are having a scan to see the baby and how it doing, we will also be checking the see what sex it is a girl or boy,” Replied the doctor

Jordan looked at Sammie and smiled, Jordan been waiting for months now to see what the baby is, Jordan looked back at the doctor and said…

“Okay” Smiled Jordan

The doctor got up from his seat and asked Sammie to lie down on the bed, as Sammie got up and lay down on the bed the doctor placed this jelly on her tummy and then took a camera and you could see the baby on the screen.

Sammie couldn’t stop smiling the baby looked so cute; Jordan held Sammie hand and smiled.

“Well the results are going to come up on the screen in a bit” Spoke the doctor

Sammie told Jordan and hoped for a little ‘girl’.

Jordan wanted a little ‘boy’, but they just had to wait and see.

The results appeared on the screen, the doctor looked at Sammie and Jordan and took a deep breath he then smiled and said…

“Sammie, Jordan you guys are having a little boy” Smiled the doctor

“Oh my gosh!” Laughed Jordan

Sammie was speechless no words could come out, she looked straight at Jordan and small tears stumbled down her rosy cheeks.

“I could print you guys a picture of your baby boy if you wanted?” Questioned the doctor

“Yes please it’ll be a good memory and a nice photo for the living room” Answered Jordan

The doctor pressed a button, which made the computer print a picture of the baby.

A few hours went by Sammie just relaxed and took a little nap, Jordan just stayed sitting down in his chair drinking some coffee, and a nurse walked in and spoke to Jordan.

“Here is your little boy” Spoke the nurse

Jordan instantly got up and walked to his baby boy, the nurse handed the baby to Jordan and walked out the room, Jordan sat down with his boy in his arms, small tears ran down his face scrolling down his chin and dripping onto his T-shirt.

“Hello little bud” Laughed Jordan

Jordan placed his son in the incubator to have a nap, Jordan then sat next to Sammie and held her hand he watched her sleep and smiled.


“Jordan” Whispered Sammie

“Oh hello baby, I… Have a surprise for you” Laughed Jordan

Jordan got up and walked to the incubator and picked up his son and walked to Sammie and handed her the baby.

“Oh my… He’s beautiful Jordan” Mumbled Sammie

“Just like his mother” Laughed Jordan

“What should we call him?” Asked Sammie

“How about… Jeremiah?” Answered Jordan

“That’s a beautiful name babes!” Cheered Sammie

Sammie looked at Jeremiah and gave him a small peck on his forehead; Jordan sat down on the bed with Sammie and smiled.

The doctor walked in to talk to Sammie and Jordan.

“Picked a name for him yet? And Jordan asked me who is the dad of the baby, well I took a blood test of Jordan and your son and well its positive! Jordan is the dad,” Cheered the doctor

“His name is Jeremiah” Mumbled Sammie

“I’m the dad! Oh my… I knew I was!” Laughed Jordan

The look on Jordan face said it all he was so happy that he was the dad, and he was happy that Sammie was keeping the baby!

“That’s a lovely name for your little boy” Smiled the doctor

“Thank you” Smiled Sammie

“As well you guys are healthy to go home, just if anything that seems weird that’s happening to Jeremiah or yourself Sammie please come see me immediately” Spoke the doctor

“Okay that’s good to hear we can go! And yes of course we will” Said Sammie

Sammie handed Jeremiah to Jordan and then she got out of bed and got ready, Jordan carried the bags to the car whilst Sammie held Jeremiah.

Sammie placed Jeremiah in his baby chair and sat in the back with him; Jordan got in the drivers seat and started the car.

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