Chapter One

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'How tragic it is to watch you think you have any say over your destiny.'

The leaves of trees fell earlier than they should've and the grass grew less wild than it once did. A free wind blew through the Kingdom of Priggodom, a chill hidden amidst it like a cold whistle.

"It is growing. I can feel it."

Queen Etana didn't look at her general but his words settled on her shoulders. "I'd be worried if you couldn't," She answered.

Treading through the wild fields, she walked a few steps away. She'd sensed the change for some time, and in the beginning it hadn't been a concern. But over the years a fear had seeded itself in her chest, and with each passing sign that seed was watered, taking root deep inside her.

"Your majesty, we must do something."

Etana knew that. She'd known it for years now. But these lands had not known war for centuries.
Some of them were engaged in civil war themselves... but the one that was coming was different. It would invade and suffocate every land, every kingdom, every town; whether peaceful or not. It was the very reason for her hesitation.

Looking at her general, the Queen felt a tiredness sweep over her, growing more apparent by the day.

Elex's eyes looked into his Queens and he understood her pain and her hesitancy. But the looming darkness was coming. And he would make sure both his Queen and his kingdom were ready for it.

Queen Etana opened her mouth to reply when she saw Elex's eyes shift downward as if listening to something. The general went rigid.

"What is it?" She asked seriously. All of her highest soldiers shared a link, allowing them to communicate telepathically.

"The lake is said to be stirring," He reported greviously. Etana looked forward, as if seeing something far, far away. Her expression was grave.

"I'm sorry to be the one burdening you with this news, Your Majesty." Her general was somber, clearly apologetic.

"Nonsense, Elex. You know it is not you that burdens me." She turned to him. "I trust you will remain by my side throughout the decisions I'm forced to make? Throughout this approaching war?"

Elex bowed deeply. They both understood her request. She was asking for companionship on a road that promised to be lonely. "I would never consider going elsewhere," He swore.

They'd worked together for centuries, and there was hardly anyone she trusted more. Nodding and looking to the sky once more, Etana took a deep breath, ready to make this choice. "Start readying our soldiers. Give me numbers and potentials. I also want you to go visit the other lands and kindgoms, see who is with us and who is not."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"And Elex... make sure you're discreet. Only choose a few others who can be trusted. I don't want anything getting out."

He bowed once more. "I'll send only my best."

"Thank you, Elex." She sighed, appearing distant. "You've been a great friend to me these years. When all of this is done, I think I need to send you on a vacation."

The man in front of her smiled, the tips of his ears pointing through his wavy brown hair, slightly more elongated than the other fey in her palace due to his elven blood. "It has been my honour."
And with that he was dismissed and sent off.

Queen Etana walked back to her palace slowly. Taking in the sweet warm scent her kingdom's air had carried for as long as she could remember. The trees stood tall and powerful around her, as if a shield for her and her people. Soon it would need to be.

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