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It had been a two months and Xia was saying goodbye to Horace, May and Halo who were all going to Chicago so that halo could meet the rest of her family and Halo was staying for a month and then coming to London where Xia would be and they were gonna stay in London for a month.

Xia and blanco had been going back and forth on text after they got each others numbers and but they hadn't seen each other cause Xia been at home with Halo.

Xia was actually gonna be filming a music video and it was for her song worst thing/ the freestyle that she did and she re-recorded to put in the album.

They had rented out a house for the music video so she just had to be there and they would get her ready and everything.The day before she had gotten her nails done and she had gotten a wig done cause she didn't feel like dealing with her hair.

Xia's nails:

Xia's nails:

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Xia's hair:

Xia's hair:

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Xia was at the house. She got there and Xia was told to put on a robe and she had shorts and a tank top on so she was fine with it and then they started. The first thing there were filming was an argument between the guy Nate and Xia for the start of the song while Xia was making tea.

"You guys ready" the guy who was recording Harris asked

"Yeah" They both replied

"Alright" Harris said and they started recording

"So what bitch you have in this house" Xia asked pouring the hot water

"What bitch I had in this house?" Nate repeated confused

"You still fucking with that same bitch that I caught you with last time" Xia said and Nate laughed on the middle of it

"Nah you tripping" Nate said while Xia was talking "man you is fucking trippin" Nate said

"I'm tripping" Xia asked

The story of Xia HerbertWhere stories live. Discover now