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Xia woke up the next day and she had seen a bright light and she was confused and she looked around and saw Rhys, Nini, Lia, Gabriel and Jenn who was holding her hand.

Although she was very confused and had no clue what was going on she just decided to make joke out of it to give her a bit of entertainment before everything became serious.

"O que aconteceu? Por que estou aqui? Quem é você?(What happened? why am I here? who are you?)" Xia said waking up

"Why is she speaking Portuguese" Rhys asked

"O que você quer dizer com quem é você, somos nós (What do you mean who are you it's us)" Lia said starting to cry

"Aw i can't do this your too cute come here" Xia said and Lia went to her and got on the bed and hugged Xia and Xia hugged back

"Your actually so annoying, what is wrong withchu" Jenn said

"Everything is wrong with me what do you mean anyway what happened?why am I here?" Xia asked and they all turned to Gabriel and Xia ended up looking at him aswell "why are we all turning to him" Xia asked

"Cause he was there" Marco said

"Bem, obviamente você veio para o Brasil e veio me buscar na minha escola e depois fomos buscar papai, Lia e Nini, mas Natalie estava lá (Well obviously you came to Brazil and you came to get me from my school and then after we went to get dad, Lia and Nini but Natalie was there)" Gabriel started

"Do y'all speak English" Jenn asked

"We do We just don't use it unless it's important" Nini answered and Jenn nodded

Lia had slowly hugged onto Xia and before Lia could fall asleep Xia sat up and was leaning against her pillow and the wall so the she was more comfortable and could look around better.

"Então, quando você entrou, você me disse para ir buscar todos eles e você ia lidar com Natalie, então eu fiz o que foi dito e então eles saíram e eu voltei para ver se eu poderia ajudar e garantir que ninguém mais estivesse na casa. (So when you went in you told me to go get all of them and you were gonna deal with Natalie so I did as told and then they left and I went back in to see if I could help and make sure no one else was in the house.)" Gabriel said and cause he was next to Xia she slapped him on the head

"Nunca mais faça isso de novo, você sabe o quão perigoso isso poderia ter sido, você poderia ter se machucado (Don't ever do that again do you know how dangerous that could've been you could've got hurt)" Xia said to him

"Eu sei e sinto muito, mas para ser honesto, é uma coisa boa que eu fiz porque você poderia ter acabado muito pior (I know and I'm sorry but to be honest it's a good thing I did cause you could've ended up way worse)" Gabriel said and Xia was confused "Quando entrei, vi Natalie com três balas nela e não se preocupe, ela não estava respirando (When I came in I saw Natalie with three bullets in her and don't worry she wasn't breathing)" Gabriel said

"Where were the bullets you have to be careful" Xia asked him

"Through the head and two in her neck both ways" Gabriel responded "anyway then there were five other bodies which were the security guards and all of them were on the ground bleeding out and then you had also been shot in your leg and stabbed in the other but I managed to get you to a hospital but they transferred you over here and we got a flight and came here" Gabriel said

"Oh ok well I had the same thing in my mind happening just switched up the story a bit" Xia said

"Ah Xia your awake" The doctor Miles said

"No I'm sleeping"

"No she's sleeping"

Xia and Rhys said at the same time with sarcasm in the tones and they looked at each other and chuckled.

The story of Xia HerbertWhere stories live. Discover now