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They went Wendy's and ordered food which Xia payed for and they were sitting in the restaurant eating.

"What do you think is this better than what is it Nando's" Tata asked

"No no no don't even disrespect Nando's cause Nando's is absolute bae bro like if it would make you want to leave the woman or man of your dreams" Xia said

"Nando's is top tier you crazy" digga d added

"It can't be that good" Jenn said

"Bro I haven't had it for like three years and I know that it's better than all the takeaway places here" Xia said

They argued about this for a bit longer and they were getting stares from people because they were a bit loud cause they were screaming over each other.

They walked into the party and instantly went and got themselves drinks and found an area to sit and started drinking and smoking.

A little while later a bunch of females came around and nas ebk and set a trend came as well and all the girls found who they wanted and started talking to them.

Luckily both Murda b and Xia were bi and everyone was aware so they had a few people coming up to them and talking to them.

"Come dance with me" the girl Jaylani said to Xia

"Aight let's go" Xia said they got up and walked over to where everyone was dancing

They had started dancing and Jaylani started twerking up on Xia and Xia went with it and they caught a lot of attention people started recording them and cheering.

Xia's friends hadn't even noticed that so when they saw her dancing with Jaylani they were shocked.

They new that Xia could pull cause everytime they would go out to a party or club she would gain a lot of attention and people would want to take her out.

After a few minutes the crowd died down and they walked back and sat down. Jaylani was ok Xia's lap and they were talking to everyone around.

"I got to go" Jaylani said

"Aight but text me later yea" Xia said to her

Jaylani nodded and gave Xia a kiss everyone watched as Jaylani left and her two friends left with her.

"You ain't gonna reply are you" C blu said

"Nah gave her some random number" Xia said and everyone chuckled at her while she drank her drink.

30 minutes later some how Xia had another female on her lap and they had been talking for a bit of time.

Then another girl came up and sat next to Xia and everyone just looked at her and they were so lost.

"Bro how" Kyle said

"Ion know but she living the life for real" Setty said

"Bro she already kissing her as well" Murda b  said

"I don't get jealous of my sister but why did all the good genes get given to her" Rhys said

"See that one right there is sad my boy" Nas ebk said patting Rhys's shoulder

"Look you man yea I'm gonna head out yea see you tomorrow" Xia said handing her keys to Rhys

At this point Xia was very out of it she had no idea what was happening but they didn't stop her cause they knew that she would be angry if they stopped her from having a possible threesome.

The story of Xia HerbertWhere stories live. Discover now