The Moment of Truth

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(I do not own Karate Kid, Cobra Kai, or any of its characters.)

(I do not own the pictures either.)

(Strong and Mature Language use in all of the chapters)


(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name

(R/N): Rival's Name

(R/L/N): Rival's Last Name


Canoga Park, California

Miyagi-Do Dojo

It's another day at Miyagi-Do, everyone is training. Robby is punching the punching bag. Sam is stretching with Toni and Jaylon. You and Janelle are practicing the Wheel Technique on the wooden deck. Tristan is doing kata by himself. Dwayne is working on combos with Rico. Dwayne is holding the Rico does a roundkick and does a jab and hook. Tyler and Rick are sparring with your mom. She is kicking their butts. You soon see Francesco working on sanding the floor. This past week he's done, paint the fence, wax-on wax-off, paint side to side, hammer the nail, and wash the windows. He's getting a little frustrated. Meaning he's getting ready. You and Janelle finish the technique without falling in the water.

(Y/N): That might've been our best one yet.

Janelle: Of course. We're the best two fighters here.

(Y/N): No. We're all equal.

Janelle: Are you ever gonna inflate your ego?

(Y/N): I just like to stay focused. And right now, I'm focused on making you look good.

Janelle: 'chuckles' All right.

Francesco gets angry and just breathes. Meaning that he's ready. You look at Janelle and nod. You two get off the deck and walk onto the ground. You and Janelle walk to Francesco.

Francesco: I know. I should be patient. But, I feel useless just doing chores all day! What else--

Janelle: You're ready.

Francesco: What?

(Y/N): She said you're ready. Show me a fighting stance.

Francesco gets into a fighting stance and it looks like yours.

(Y/N): Copied my fighting stance. Nice.

Francesco: Thanks.

(Y/N): Show me wax-on, wax-off.

You throw a punch to Francesco and he blocks it away. Another one and he blocks it away. 

(Y/N): Show me paint the fence.

You throw a punch to Francesco and he blocks it up. You throw a low punch to Francesco and he blocks it down.

(Y/N): Show me sand the floor.

You try to do a front kick at Francesco and he blocks it away. You do another kick and Francesco blocks it. Janelle  smiles at you teaching Francesco.

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