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Masky's POV

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

I can't believe I just knocked Jeff out...he's going to kill me when he wakes up! "Shit." Serenity says as she opens her as and takes In the scene in front of her.

I grab Serenity's hand. "Come on. We need to get out of here." I say and drag her back towards the house.

She doesn't object. "Where are we going?" She asks as she quickly trails along behind me.

I shake my head. "I don't know." I say. I notice that I don't hear her foot steps anymore. "What are you waiting for?" I ask her web I see her just standing there. "Come on."

She shakes we head. "What about Tash?" She asks.

"We don't have time for that." I say.

"Well I'm not moving till we get her." She says stubbornly.

God dammit. "Fine!" I yell in frustration as I run back to where Jeff is. I see slendy still in the same spot laughing his ass off. I grab Tash and throw her over my shoulde and run like hell.

As I fly by Serenity I grab her hand and pull her along with me.

We make it to the house. When I open the door I lay Tash on the couch and go to my room to pack up stuff. "Where are you going?" I turn around to see Ben in the doorway.

I quickly throw things into a bag. "Away from Jeff." I say.

He laughs. "Also, what's with all the girls? Are we having a strip party or something?" He says cheekily. I facepalm. Leave it to Ben to say something like that in this situation.

"This is serious Ben. When Jeff wakes up he is going to want to kill me." I say and grab my back and fling it over my shoulder.

"Wait! What did you do?" He asks.

"I knocked him out before he could kill Serenity." I say quickly. "I need to go. Come on." I say to winter as I help her up. I'm surprised she has stayed here this whole time. She comes along with me into the living room.

Serenity is explaining to Tash what is going on "lets go." I instruct. All three girls trail behind me to the door.

Right as I'm about it open someone opens it first and hits me in the face. "God dammit ouch!" I yell with my eyes closed as i rub my nose. I open my eyes. "J-Jane?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" She asks and points to the girls behind me.

Serenity goes into shy mode, Winter goes into pissed off mode, and Tash is just standing there like an idiot, confused as fuck. I stand next to Serenity. "Why are you here Jane?" I ask.

She looks at me like I'm dumb. "Your dumb." She states. "I'm here for Jeff. Where is he?" She asks.



Serenity's POV

When this 'Jane' girl says she's here for Jeff I can't help but to feel pissed.

I don't know why...I love Masky.... "Look we have to go" Masky says to Jane.

She looks at him and blocks the door. "Not till I get Jeff." She says.

"Your such a stubborn bitch." Masky says and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Look. He is going to fucking kill me so if you could please." He tries to push her out of the way. "Move." He finishes.

She laughs. "I like it when you play rough." She says.

That's it! "Look lady we got to go so If you could so kindly move your ass!" I yell out of no where.

"Excuse me!" She exclaims. Oh shit...Suddenly the door opens and hits the back of her head. She rubs it. "Shit!" She yells.

Jeff comes in with a confused look. "Jane?" He asks, uncertain of her appearance.

She smiles. "Oh just the person I was looking for." She says.

He backs away from her. "What do you want?" He asks. He stands by Winter. "Why are you here?"

She chuckles. "Jeff I'm here to do what I need to do." She says impatiently.

"And what's that?" He asks.

Suddenly I'm being grabbed and held into Jane. She withdraws her knife from her side and places it to my neck. It's still soar from earlier. I struggle. "What the fuck!" I yell.

She laughs.


Jeff's POV

"What are you gonna do, kill her?" I ask. I look over at Masky and I can tell he is freaking the fuck out.

She laughs. "I just might. It's very tempting." She says.

"I don't care. In fact I was just about to do it before I got knocked out." I threw a nasty stare at Masky then looked back at Jane.

She shrugs. "Well fuck, okay!" She takes her knife and gets ready to slice, but she stops. "Actually it's better to slowly watch her be in pain." She says with a nasty grin.

Serenity's friends are just watching with tears in there eyes, not knowing what to do. Masky is stood still with wide eyes.

I look back at Jane and Serenity. Serenity's face shows fear. It's hard to look at... Jane is smiling evilly, enjoying this clearly.

We can all hear Serenity's whimpers as Jane slowly digs the knife into Serenity's neck more and more.

I can see blood starting to drip from her neck. I can't take this anymore... "STOP!" I yell at Jane.

She stops with a smile. "Why? Isn't this what you wanted. You want me to kill this lying, cheating, whore." She says.

I wince at her words. It's no Serenity's fault that she fell in love with Masky. "Please stop." Masky whimpers out. We all look at him.

"Oh what? You want me to stop hurting your little toy? You don't really love her. You just want to use her. You can't love Masky." She taunts.

Tears escape Serenity's eyes. "Just stop." I say sternly. "Please. Why would you want to kill her?" I ask.

She smiles. "Why would you want to kill her?" She retorts back.

"Fuck you!" I spit. She laughs in response.


Maskys POV

what can I do? All I'm doing is watching as my love gets her throat sliced open. Hearing her whimpers make me want to cry.

"Well that bitch is gone!" We all hear someone say.

Either none of us were paying attention or we are all fucking stupid. Right in front of us lays a passed out Jane. Serenity looks at Jane with fearful eyes. Jeff goes and hug Serenity tightly. She hugs back...

That should be me hugging her!


Serenity's POV

my throat hurts like fuck. "I'm so sorry baby." Jeff whispers in my ear as he hugs me tightly. He's rocking us back and forth and it's soothing. I'm still shaken up over the previous events.

I open my eyes to look at Masky but he's gone. I get out of Jeff's death hold and go over to Tash and Winter. "Where did he go?" I ask them.

They shrug. "I have no idea." Winter says.

"Shit." I mumble.

I'm to fucking tired for this. I will find Masky after I sleep.

I go into Jeff's room and pass the fuck out, not caring about what others are thinking right now.

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