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Serenity's POV

I wake up cuddled into Jeff. I turn over so I'm facing him and he his already awake.

"Good morning sunshine." He says and hugs me tighter.

I look everywhere but his eyes as I mutter out an awkward 'morning'.

"Ummm...this is kinda awkward but I have to pee sooo." I say and he lets go of his right grip on my waist. I get up and walk out the door and start slowly walking down the hall. So where is the bathroom?

"Please be it". I whisper to my self as I awkwardly open a random door. I push it all the way open and see the back of a man as he stares out his window.

He notice the noise of the door and quickly turns his head. I panic on the inside. He has a mask on his face.

"Oh um...I'm sorry. I was looking for the bathr-"

"Don't be sorry. It's fine." He cuts me off.

"We'll I'm just gonna go..yeaaaa." I say awkwardly and start to leave.

"Wait!" He says and I turn around.

"Yea?" I question and walk back inside his room. He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"I'm Masky." He doesn't let go of my hand.

"I'm Serenity." I say and he smiles.

I smile back. "Beautiful name." He says as he stares into my eyes. "Your human, right?" He asks and I just nod.

"Yea..." I say awkwardly and run my free hand through my hair.

He grabs my other hand with his. "No need to be awkward around me. You might as well get used to being around me because knowing Jeff he's not gonna let you leave." He says and squeezes my hand gently.

"Can you show me the bathroom?" I ask shyly. He just laughs and nods. He drags me out of the room and shows me to the bathroom. I run in and lock the door behind me. I take a piss then look around. Is this all just a dream? It can't be real...

*knock knock*

I jump as I hear a knock on the door. I rush to the door and open it to see Jeff standing there smiling.

"You were taking a long time so I thought I'd come and check on you." He says and grabs my hand gently.

I fake a smile. "Masky had to show me were the bathroom was."

"You've got a beautiful smile." He says then guides me by my hand to the kitchen.

He looks over his shoulder at me. "Hungry?" He asks. I'm actually not to hungry. I shake my head no and he just shrugs. "Well I am." He says as he pulls out some weird looking meat out of the fridge and then greases up a pan on the stove top.

"Heyyyyy Jeff!" I hear someone scream as they place a hand on my shoulder. I jump as at startles me. "Jumpy this morning?" He asks with a chuckle.

I look over my shoulder. It's only Ben. "Morning." I mutter out and he just smiles.

"You know if you weren't Jeff's i'd be all over you." He says. I look over at Jeff who is currently glaring at Ben viciously.

"Watch it." Jeff says while glaring daggers at Ben.

Ben puts his hands up in defeat. "Alright, lover boy!" Ben teases while popping some bread into a toaster.

I like Ben so far.

I just stand there, watching them prepare food. What am I gonna do? "You can have a seat you know." Jeff says while pointing to a seat at the table. I smile and mutter a 'okay' before I sit down.

Suddenly I think of my brother. I miss him...I guess Jeff is helping me in a way by taking me away from my parents but ill miss my brother. I love him. "What about my brother?" I ask and Jeff smiles.

"Don't worry darling. He's taken care of." He says while stirring the meat.

I give him a confused look. "Whatever." I say under my breath and shrug it off.

Jeff and Ben come and sit at the table with me while digging into there weird looking foods. Well toast isn't weird...oh whatever!

"It's good. You sure you don't want some?" Jeff asks with food spitting all over.

"No thanks." I say and just stare out the window to look at ugly trees. I've always loved nature but these trees don't make me happy.


Masky's POV


Beautiful name.

I've never believed in love at first sight untill I saw her. I know slendy says not to fall in love with humans but she is so different. I love her socially awkwardness and the way she brushes her fingers through her hair.

She is just beautiful in every way.

Dammit. Why did Jeff have to get her?! I want her...all to myself!

I sound selfish...

But the heart wants what the heart wants and there's no changing that, that's for sure.

When I turned around and saw her face and I just couldn't think.

Wow I sound like a love sick fool.

But perfect doesn't even describe her..

*rumble rumble rumble* (lame sound describing xD sorry)

Hmmm I'm hungry. Jeff is probably cooking up something.

I walk into the kitchen, grab myself a plate of food and go sit by Jeff, Ben, and Serenity.

"I need a shower." Serenity suddenly speaks up.

"I'll show you where the shower is!" I say quickly before anyone else offers. She nods and I show her the shower. Hot and cold blah blah.

She looks at me. Waiting for something. "Um can I get in the shower now?" She asks shyly.

I nod. "One sec." I whisper as I slowly grab her face gently and kiss her softly. how I can describe it. She isn't pulling away so I'm guessing that's a good sign.

For the first time ever.

I feel sparks

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