11 - Birthdays

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Clearing out my drafts :3

Wilson - April 23rd
Wilson's birthday– if he even remembers it's his birthday— is celebrated sometime during mid-Spring. But he typically is so busy trying to maintain his scrapbook project or work on improving camp that he totally forgets it until after.

So it's a little out of left-field when you come up behind him, hugging him lightly and placing a plate of bacon and eggs and a few new, shiny tools next to him. Of course, he's incredibly appreciative!! Wilson's all bashful that you even thought to gift him something so precious; nobody's ever really cared about getting him things before.

However, it doesn't click for Wilson until you say "Happy Birthday". In which case he responds incredulously "It's my birthday?!" He genuinely forgot.

Willow - May 7th
While technically her birthday should be placed in late Spring, Willow kind of prefers to have her birthday in early Summer. Less rain ruining her fires and high temperatures are ideal for her, considering she wants to enjoy a good forest fire or magma pool on her birthday.

She celebrates her birthday for an entire week, milking the whole experience for what it's worth, so she expects you to come up to her with a gift any day of those seven days. She wasn't expecting a fire staff though, but she's excited all the same. She's going to squeeze your hand and then scurry off to go test it on some sleeping tree guard jerks!

The firestarter will come back. Eventually. Covered in ashes and with her new toy broken, but she's happy and worn out, so can you really ask for anything more?

Wolfgang - October 2nd
Wolfgang does try to celebrate his birthday on his own, somewhere in early Autumn. Usually, he roasts some potatoes for himself, and that's as far as his own celebrations go. He heavily appreciates it when others recognize it's his birthday though; he practically lights up at being wished a happy birthday.

There isn't much he really wants, but to simply spend time with you. So you spend your time helping out with his chores, even if the strongman really doesn't need the help, he still cherishes that you made the effort to stick by him. Company is the best gift you could've ever given him.

Now that's not to say Wolfgang didn't enjoy the fact that you made him statues he could lift on his mighty gym. Because he certainly did! But it was more enjoyable being able to show off just a bit.

Wickerbottom - December 6th
The librarian is the reason why any birthdays are celebrated; she started it for the kids. However, she finds her birthday more or less as any other day in early or mid-Winter. She doesn't announce it outwardly, nor does she really hide it. She simply goes about business, surviving the Constant.

Still though, once the work's done for the day and Wickerbottom's ready to sit by the fire and enjoy a book, you surprise her with a gift of fresh Surf n' Turf, papyrus and feather pens. A practical gift for a practical librarian. She couldn't be any happier with that.

The gift of writing utensils is all she really wants; it gives her more materials to make her checklists with, more paper to write Wurt some more fairytales, and more pencils to sharpen to the ends while cataloguing data about the Constant. "It's so practical, dear!"

WX-78 - November 28th
Finding out that humans are socially obligated to give others praise on their year-anniversary of life was probably a bad idea. WX-78 expects everyone to congratulate them on their buildday, so everyone always knows to wish them a happy buildday in late Autumn or early Winter, least they be wanting to be pestered for a gift for a week.

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