Chapter 6 | Distrust Among Family Names

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That morning, Yun didn't see Remigius. He knocked on the other's room and after a minute of no response, he opened the door to see made bedsheets, folded pyjamas, and no book bag beside the desk.

He didn't see Aston and Sonya that morning in their Ivion class either, assuming Angelo pulled them out of class to talk to them about last night's events. Yun spent the rest of class finishing up the notes he didn't take yesterday. He wasn't much of a slacker—there was a reason why he got into Zenith's Academy in the first place.

He decided to ignore the rest of the class. 

The nerves jittering in his body pulled him away from focusing and now he was thinking of Remigius and what happened yesterday. Since when was Remigius so... he didn't even have the right word to describe it! Maybe all the times Yun touched Remigius, the boy was serious about not liking it. Yet, Remigius always made it clear when he didn't want to be touched, so wouldn't he just tell him straight-up? Why dodge his questions? 

It hurt his head to think about it. After closing his notebook and slumping on his desk, he zoned out Mr. Ochet's monotoned voice until everyone gathered their books and supplies to head to the next class.

"Yun," Maven nudged his shoulder. "Were you asleep all class again?" 

He rubbed his eyes. "No, I was awake for the last part."

"This isn't like last year. ZA is much more intense, you have to pay attention or you'll fall behind." She clipped her bookbag and swung it onto her shoulder. The textbooks caused her shoulder to droop. Yun didn't understand why she carried all of her books when they caused her posture to rival an archway. 

"I didn't mean to fall asleep!" 

"Then stop staying up with Remigius talking about who knows what." Maven rolled her eyes. "You know, I could hear when you snuck him in at home. You guys aren't that quiet, you know that?"

"I wasn't up talking with Rem," Yun hissed through his gritted teeth. He didn't mean to sound so defensive, but the frustration seeped out like water in a bottomless bucket. He was never good at keeping his emotions in check. "He was acting all weird and now he's mad at me for some reason and I can't figure out why, and I can't even ask him because I haven't seen him 'cause he left early this morning so now I can't even think straight so this stupid class and robotic teacher is the last thing on my mind!" 

"Mr. Yukamara." Mr. Ochet's slicked crimson hair bounced as his chin raised with the tiniest smirk on his lips. Crap, did he have to stand behind him for that whole speech? That asshole took pleasure in torturing him. "Flex period. Bring your writing utensils, you'll be sorting my file cabinet."  

"But, but—!" 

Mr. Ochet was already greeting the next class. With a groan, Yun stuffed his notebook in his bag and lugged himself out of that damn class. Great, now Mr. Ochet knew his hatred for him was reciprocated. 

"Yun..." Maven caught up to him, matching his footsteps as they walked side by side in the buzzing hallway. A pointless attempt at speeding up proved useless as she refused to relent. "Yun, don't walk away from me."

"Why," he said. He was pouting like a child and he knew he was but all he wanted to do was wallow next to Remigius.

"Because you're upset," she said. "What happened last night? Why is Remigius angry at you?"

He scoffed, though a hint of a sigh softened it. "If I knew then I would have apologized to him already."

"I don't see how you could have warranted anger from him. We are seen as innocent regarding the issue with Headmaster Angelo and I don't remember you saying anything too stupid to him." 

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