Part 6

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                             Akk's pov
Akk runs out of Black's hideout, takes his bike and a few minutes after reaches the protest's location.
He leaves his bike and runs towards the crowd formed in the middle of the road. "What the fuck is happening" he thinks to himself and tries to find a place to crawl on, to have a better view.
He jumps on a car parked near and what he sees feels completely sureal.
In the middle of the crowd there's a van. "Is this really the same van? It can't be, right?" He looks closer and sees one of the protestors finally gets the door open. Some others help the people that are in to get out one by one, untie them and lift the hoods they have on. And then he spots him...
That's Akk! It's definitely him! He would recognize him ANYWHERE! ANY TIME, ANY PLACE!
Ayan jumps off the car and makes his way through the crowd.
He starts screaming his name...
The only thing he can think about this moment as he finally reaches the van is that he finally found his heart again. His soul...his life...the person he belongs to, mind and body...his destiny.
Ayan shouts one more time: AKK!
Yok looks to face him holding his stomach in pain. The stitches have def ripped open by now. Ayan can see the pain in his face but his eyes light up immediately when he sees him.
Yok screams Ayan's name as well in an attempt to show his excitement. He finally makes his way to Yok and takes him in his embrace.
Yok lets out a small cry bc of the pain but finally gives in to the hug and wraps his arms around Ayan as well. They both just want to stay like this forever... And no one outside of their bubble can understand how this moment feels to them...
They eventually break the embrace and look into each other's eyes....full of emotions and trying to keep it together.
Ayan: I lost you...what happened to you?
Akk: But now you found me... and you helped me find myself as well. I remembered! That's all that matters.
Ayan: I missed you so freaking much...
Akk: Losing the memories I had with you really felt like a piece of my soul got lost as well.
Ayan holds Akk's face with both his hands and brings him in to a sweet kiss. Akk almost faints to his touch, the touch that feels so warm and familiar to his heart...
Ayan: You took my heart with you when you went missing. I was completely lost without you, I think I lost years of my life in the span of months. Promise me you'll never leave me again...
Akk: I'm never leaving your side again, we're in this life together...
Ayan: Was this a vow? I need to say it too right? We're in this lif-
Akk cuts him off with a punch to his stomach and Ayan just laughs the pain away. He would give everything for them to stay in this moment forever...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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