part 4

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Ayan wakes up gasping for air.
Black: took you long enough. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?
Ayan: how long was I out for?
Black: for an hour after I found you but YOU'RE NOT ANSWERING MY QUESTION AYAN!
Ayan: I'm really fucking sorry, OKAY? They were too many for me to fight. I don't have your skills nor your experience. I've been mostly working behind the screen this whole time. They were taken away and it's my fault, I know. I'm sorry that I let everyone down once again.
Ayan gets up and walks up to Black, grabs his gun before he could react and brings it to his own head.
Black: AYAN, what the fuck are you doing? PUT THE FUCKING GUN DOWN NOW! I'M NOT GONNA SAY IT AGAIN MAN!
Ayan: I've had enough of these. I lost him once and now I managed to lose him again. I can't keep going...not like this
Black: What the fuck are you on man?
Ayan: I'm talking about the guy from your gang that was shot. He's the one I've been searching for this whole time and now I'm losing him once more.
Black: You told me the person you were searching for was named Akk. What are you saying? The person that was shot was Yok. I know no one named Akk, so let's just put the gun down and talk about this.
Ayan: No I'm not putting it down I'm ending this now. I screwed up...
Ayan shoots the gun without any notice...
but the gun to his surprise was empty...
He then falls to the ground crying punching himself.
Ayan: why would you carry an empty gun? You of all people?
Black: Thank fucking god I must have used all my bullets back in the hospital. WHAT THE FUCK BRO? Did you really try to off yourself in front of me? Also can you stop crying and tell the whole story? You'll make me start feeling pity for you and you know I hate emotions.
Ayan: out of all people I could have been friends with, how did I end up being with the most apathetic person in the world? I really fucking hate you
Black: find yourself a spot at the end of the line dude. Cut the crap now, tell me what's going on.
Ayan: we have to stop the van that took your brother and the rest of the gang do you have a way of doing that? If not plz leave me die here.
Black: don't worry about the van, the protestors are on it, they're closing the road to stop it so everything will be fine.
Ayan jumps up from the floor wipes his eyes and storms out of the building
Black just shook his head afterwards and thought to himself "and I told him to attend the therapy session my mother pays for me that I never go to cause I'm obviously fine *eye roll* . That bastard is definitely bipolar"

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