Part 3

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          A few days later. Ayan's POV

It's been at least 2 years now since the incident that changed his life completely. Ayan still barely sleeps at night. That horrible scene keeps playing on his head day and night and every different scenario of what could happen if he did anything differently unveils itself to keep him from seeing how much his being affected by all of these. How his figure has changed from not eating, or how he needs a haircut cause his hair have gotten so long over these past years. The guilt and self hatred are the two things that rule his whole existence and are the reason for his restlessness and inability to move forward. He can't and he won't let go. News said that the body of his beloved wasn't found anywhere near the river which means Akk is still alive or so he believes. And no one's going to tell him otherwise...he won't let them. Ayan packs his stuff ties half his hair up just to keep them out of his face and takes his bike to the hospital. He hides it at the back and waits for his friend to come. It's the first time in a while that Black contacts his number it was like he dropped from the face of earth but now he's back, so he's probably okay? He didn't tell him why he was gone or where he went he just told him he had a rescue mission involving the police. They have to save 5 people, 4 of them are his gang's members and the other one is apparently his little brother? That's the first time Black mentions his brother and his tone saying his name was full of worry. Also one of the gang members was shot which makes the whole mission a bit trickier but Ayan is used to this. He has being working undercover with Black for more than a year now and his job is to mostly check Todd's moves bc he can't be trusted.
Black approaches Ayan after a little while and passes him a gun. Ayan grabs it and without a single word follows Black.
Black: I'll handle the gang's rescue, I just want you to have my back and stay guarding the perimeter. When they come out help them reach my car. Here, catch my keys and give me yours so I can run away afterwards. Also, DO NOT wait for me. Got it?
Ayan: Got it! I don't wanna see scratches on my baby, it's customized. Got it?
Black with an eye roll said: Yes buddy I got it..
Ayan watches Black going in the hospital with such fierce look on his face, things are THAT bad. He idolized Black for a long time before they started being friends and him being his right hand, the person he trusts the most. It felt good.
While waiting Ayan notices the cops that started to gather in front of the hospital but stayed put as Black told him.  He takes out his laptop and hacks into the system cameras to see if everything is okay with Black but after all maybe he's the one that needs help. Two vans stop in front of the back entrance and about 8 people that are obviously part of some Mafia gang exit from them. Ayan immediately hides, throws his stuff on the ground and gets his gun ready. In the meantime the fire scape door opens and Black's gang exits from it. Ayan shuts them off immediately and leads them behind the wall warning them that they got company.
Sean: who the fuck are you and why would we trust you
Ayan responding without looking at any of them: Fuck Black! He didn't tell you, right?! I'm working with him for a while now, I'm on your side buddy.
Sean grabs Ayan and turns his body to face him: who are you calling buddy? Huh? I'm not your buddy and why would I believe you....
Gumpa cuts them off: Guys please stop fighting. We have to work together to get out of here.
White: Please Sean listen to Gumpa we need to get out of here, all of us. And especially Yok, look how sick he is. He can barely move...
Sean and Ayan both turn to look at Yok but they had a whole different reaction.
Ayan breaks free from Sean's hands and runs to Yok.
Ayan: Akk! Oh my god! AKK IS THAT YOU? Oh my, baby I've turned the whole world upside down to find you...
Sean: yeah, how great? another one that has gone insane! That's probably why he works with Black, they both belong in a psych yard. His name is Yok dumbass! We just told you that.
Yok: who's Akk? And who are you? I'm pretty sure I've seen you somewhere but I can't remember when..
Gram: Uhm, GUYS I don't wanna spoil the moment but we gotta go! NOW!
Ayan goes in front of them as the only one with a gun trying to fight the other gang off. But they're so many of them, he can't do this alone. Where the fuck is Black? He can't keep up with them. The moment he runned out of bullets came a lot faster than he thought and as a result he is now being kicked to the ground. The last thing he sees is the guys he had to protect being forced into a van. What just happened? Was this actually real? In all his pain right this moment the only thing on his mind before passing out is Akk's face. Or maybe it's Yok? Who's Yok and why does he have Akk's face? Nothing feels real...

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