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I pick what gown I'm wearing. It's a gorgeous navy blue dress with black detailing on it. I grab a makeup bag and my straightners. Kenji is stood there outside my door, he stares at me for a few seconds before clearing his through. "Looking good, Ma'am." A clear blush covers his cheeks. "Thank you Kishimoto, now may you escort me to miss Juliette's room?" He smirks a little more if that was even possible. "Why of course, right this way ma'am."

At this point it was obvious we were taking the piss, but we seemed to go along with it. When we finally reach Juliette's room my cheeks hurt so much from smiling. "Don't move, kay? I'll be right back." I smile, with that same giddy feeling from earlier. "Yes Ma'am, my pagers always on." I enter Juliettes room and see her sat on her bed, with a note book. We stare at eachother for a few seconds. I get up and sit next to her. She quickly puts the notebook under her as I do.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna take it. If you wanna hide it I'll even face the wall so you know I wont see." She stares at me, not saying anything. "Turn around." I stand up and face the wall. "Thanks." I hear some shuffling around her room then silence. "Okay, turn back around if you want." I do and finally notice she still isn't wearing the dress she picked out.

"Why aren't you dressed?" I ask her. She stares back. She likes staring, I've noticed that. "I don't really know how to put it on." She says shyly taking her gaze off me. "Let me help you." She takes off her old rags. "Step into it, I know its a bit heavy but you'll get used to it I'm sure." She steps into the massive gown and holds up the top close to her. I zip it up and she turns around. "You look amazing Juliette." I say to her with a smile.

"I look stupid." She says pulling an odd looking face. "No you don't, you look, perfect." She smiles at me, she looks genuine. "Thank you." She mouths, still smiling. "I'm gonna get ready in here, your mirror is much nicer. Only if that's ok with you." She nods and I put my makeup bag on the desk. I pull out different products and start doing my routine.

"What food you hoping for?" I ask her, trying to make conversation. "I don't really know. I haven't eaten anything with taste in a while."
"Oh." Is all that manages to escape my lips. The rest of the time I'm getting ready it's awkward silence. When I finish she sits down in the chair and I start putting makeup on her.

"This feels weird." She finally says breaking our silence. "It's called blush, it does feel weird at first but you get used to it." I chuckle as I finish putting the makeup on her. She looks beautiful. I help her put on some comfortable shoes, covered by the dress and we walk out. Kenji had fallen asleep against the door we took that long. I stare for a moment to long and Juliette whispers something to me. "You like him, dont you?" She says and I aggressively shake my head. "W-what no- I mean, no I don't." She giggles and I think the sound must've woken him because when I look back in his direction he's awake.

He's staring right at me.

I can't describe the look on his face, I wish I could. So I awkwardly stare back. We then hear Juliette clear her throat. "We should get going." She says quietly, just enough for us both to hear. "Umm yeah, yeah we should probably start walking." My response is all over the place. We start walking to the other side of the building, Juliette walking infront as my brother paged me earlier to "not let her out of my sight, at any point ever."

"For what it's worth, you look stunning." Kenji breaks the silence. I look at him while walking, he's still facing forward. "I- thank you." I blush profusely and look back to the hallways infront of us, to Juliette infront of us. She's walking timidly. Like she's nervous for something. We finally get to the hall and Kenji is instructed to stay outside.

"See you later." He whispers and I smile. Me and Juliette walk into the dining hall, Aaron already waiting there in his best suit. He's only ever worn it once. We sit down, I go to sit next to Juliette. "Alysa, I think it would be best if you were to sit next to me." He says, almost as a demand. "Fine." Reluctantly I sit next to my brother, watching as Juliette becomes more terrified of her surroundings.

"You're probably wondering why I've taken you from captivity after all this time." He trails on. She stares at him, playing with her food in the process. "You're an asset to us Juliette. Your gift- its something of high value." I give him a confused look as he still stares at only her, only at her. "If you help us, your life will be perfect."

She doesn't respond to him. Not even with a nod, she just looks back at her food, not daring to take a bite. "It's not like I have a choice." She says under her breath. "No, you don't." He says blankly at her. "Now hurry up and eat, we've got people to see." He says digging into his own steak infront of him. I haven't been able to get a word in at all. Not even once.

"Glad there's no disagreements. Hurry up Alysa we've got people to see with Juliette." I push my plate forward. I haven't eaten much but he seems in a rush. I push the plate forward. Standing up and reaply lipstick in the process. Aaron's arm makes its way around Juliettes waist, surprisingly not hesitant to touch her.

I take a quick glance at Kent, his hands tighten around his gun as he watches Aaron touch her so casually. I've gotta figure out what happened between them. Last time I checked she didn't know any of the guards. At least that's what was said on her records. I dawdle back to talk to Kenji. "Did you see how Adam was looking at Juliette earlier, do they know eachother?" He whispers to me.

"Not that I know of, although they have to have some sorta history, I mean did you see the way he looks at her? And when my brother put his arm around her, he looked like he wanted to murder him." I try keeping my voice as quiet as possible. "At this point, who doesn't." I look at him dead in the eyes, a stern expression on my face. "Okay okay, sorry." He raises his hands in the air and I giggle.

Aaron is looking back at me, upset I'm not being professional with Kenji. I give him a glare back, a glare to say "keep walking." I'm the only person the planet who could get away with saying that. Well, maybe Juliette could but I don't know if she's in a mood to do anything to harsh at this point in time.

We finally reach the balcony, Kenji is instructed to stand with the other soldiers behind me, my brother and Juliette. He calls out to the people below us. "Good morning Sector 45." He states. The silence in the air is thick. "Here, is Miss Juliette Ferrars. She is a valuable member of our cause. Jenkins had the pleasure of meeting her last night." My brother booms as everyones eyes turn to a man, stumbling forward while bowing his head.

"I'm sure you'll make sure she's welcomed." He says, then the weekly executions begin as normal, Juliette watches in terror but the rest of us are unphased. Again the same families of the soldiers are crying, pleading with my brother but he never listens. The people are walking off and all of a sudden I see someone in the crowd. Someone I recognise.

Wait is that, Daniel?

Authors note

Cliff hangers are my favorite but also least favourite thing to write ever. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also I kinda forgot some of the events in the books but I hope it's still good. Bye

Love ur author Grace 💕

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