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The sound of my alarm blares through my room. The sky is still dark. I hate winter. I'm definitely more of a warm weather summer girl. I get out of bed and get dressed. Aaron wears a black suit everyday so I'm expected to wear attire similar. Just as I finish brushing my hair there's a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I shout, wondering who's on the other end of the door. The door opens and my brother is standing in my room, his face slightly happier than usual. Only slightly. "What's got you all excited, did dad die or something?" I turn from my mirror to face him. He sits on my freshly made bed. "I just made that!"

"We have servants for that." He says to try change the topic. "We have her." Is all he says and I look at him in confusion. "Who's her?" I question and the face he pulls is a mixture of offended, confusion and weirdly enough excitement. "That girl, the one who can't be touched. She's here." He smirks slightly and my brows furrow.

"The one that was kept prisoner?! Aaron please don't tell me you're using her as a weapon." He stares at me, his smile fading. "Aaron come on, this is a human being we're talking about!" I feel the blood in me boil. "We need her Alysa. Think about the bigger picture here." He stands up, still facing me. "Look, as long as she's comfortable. Anywhere better than those god forsaken prison cells."

I try to compromise with my brother as often as I can. He's all I've got left. So when he tells me I will be meeting her for dinner I merely nod my head, and pick out a dress before leaving my room for my daily duties. I wander the halls for a while. I always thought if we had a bit more colour in here it'd look more homey. Maybe a nice cream colour, or anything other than brick grey.

My train if thought is suddenly halted as I walk into something, someone. "Shit, dude watch where you-" the boy infront of me starts to say. "Excuse you?" I inturupt, taking a step back, looking at the boy. He's much taller than me, dark hair, almost black. His eyes are deep, plain but deep. As I look at his face more I notice how handsome he truly is. If it were a normal situation I would ask him on a date. But he's a soldier. I'm not doing that to myself again.

"Oh fuck." Is all that comes out of his mouth. He stares for a while, probably taking in the fact he's swore twice at the daughter of the leader. "Yeah, oh fuck. Where are you supposed to be stationed?" I ask bluntly. He fumbles around himself, standing straight and looking at me. It's a very attracting sight. Very attractive.

"U-umm I'm supposed to be in the umm, east wing, this is east, right?" I snort slightly. He's funny. "Sorry, east wing? This is the west wing. Do you even know where you're going?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No ma'am." He responds. I smirk at him. "I'll take you to where you're supposed to be, Mr?" I end with a question. What is his name?

"Kishimoto, Kenji Kishimoto ma'am." I hold my hand out for him to shake, hesitantly he takes is and shakes it back. "Nice to meet you, Kishimoto." We walk to the west wing, taking a little over 20 minutes. We start talking as we do and he's a pretty funny guy. "So how do you, like put up with Warner all the time?" He asks. An uncomfortable question for me.

"I just do, he's all I have left." I reply. A grin appears on his face. "Who knew that one of the commanders kids could be so soft." He nudges me in the arm a little. "Oh trust me, soft or not I'd still kick you're ass." He stops, so do I. "Oh yeah, wanna test that theory Princess?" I look at him in confusion. Princess?

"Did you just call your boss Princess?" I ask him and he freezes, thinking he went to far. "S-sorry ma'am." He looks at the ground stiffening up again. "Don't be sorry, just don't let Warner hear you say it, deal?" He smirks and we finally reach the east wing. "Well this is your stop Kishimoto, see you around." I find myself smiling at him, I haven't stopped since we started talking. "Later, commander." He lifts his two fingers and salutes me, I do the same and walk back to west.

As I'm about to head to my office Aaron stops me. "Word. Now." His voice stern. I walk with him, no small talk, no nothing. We enter his office, it just the two of us. "Tell me why you were seen flirting with Kenji Kishimoto earlier today, when you know for a fact he's a soldier." I see the anger fill his eyes. "We weren't flirting." I state back to him, trying to act calm.

"Alysa we are under alot of scrutiny right now with this whole rebellion going on. I don't need you making another mistake with another soldier, especially Kishimoto." His fist clenched into a ball while not taking his eyes off me. "Another mistake? What are you implying Aaron." I walk closer to him. "Recently mistakes is all you seem to do. First it was keeping your books in your room, then it was dating Mcalister-" He stops after the name.

"You don't need to bring him up, EVERYTIME YOU'RE MAD AT ME!" I scream at him, he doesn't look me in my eyes either. "Look, I want to trust your judgement Alysa, but right now I can't. Kishimoto is a fine bodyguard and soldier. Don't mess this up for him. You saw what happened to Mcalister." That's right. Because of me Daniels dead. Aaron killed Daniel.

"Now, Kishimoto you may enter." I move my head swiftly to the door. In walks Kenji, the life drained out of him. "Your new assignment, watch over her. We're expecting a special guest in a few days and I hope our little talk earlier, inspired you." I look back from my brother to Kenji again and notice something that wasn't there earlier. He's got a black eyes, shit was this my fault?

"Yes sir, Ma'am, follow me back to your quarters." He doesn't even look at me when he says this. I feel the tears pricking at my eyes. We walk out of my brothers office, silence. No more funny banter or witty comments. Silence. Its like that for a couple weeks until one night when were heading back to my room I cant take it anymore. When we get back to my room I expect him to follow me but he stands outside.

"Kishimoto, a word in private." He hesitantly steps inside my room, still facing the floor. "What did he do to you?" I ask. I use my hands to lift his face and see not only the black eye, but a cut deep enough to scar above his eyebrow, already starting to heal. "Jesus, was this because of me?" No response, he just gets his head out from my hands, staring at the ground again. "Kishimoto, answer me." Again, no response. Silence fills the room. "Kenji." He looks up at me this time. His lips press together slightly, as if to hold in a cry.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Tears form I'm my eyes again and as one escapes my eye he wipes it away. "I got to mouthy to some of the other guards. I started talking about how nice you were to me then one of them gave me this." He points to the black eye. 'So what was my brother talking about earlier?' I think to myself.

"So Warner didn't do this to you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Oh thank god. I thought for a second it was my fault." We both awkwardly chuckle to eachother. Suddenly my Pager goes off. A message from Aaron.

"She's here. Come meet her."

Authors note:

I can't promise frequent update or updates in schedule but I can try my best 💖

Love Grace 💕

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