Velvet by Venticious

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Venticious Xiaoven books *chef kiss*

The wind picks up strongly, telling the bard the restlessness about the evenings breeze coming from the lands of the contract. Raising his eyebrows and worry displaying his features, he jumps down from the big tree in Windrise, landing flawlessly on his soles.

"Xiao...?" Worry brews inside his stomach, reaching higher to his body, to his heart. Something was not right, he guesses in his thought, but what worries him more is something entirely else; it is a calling from Xiao and at the same time, it is not.

This is alarming, so without thinking further and waiting even longer, he decides to visit the lands, visit the adeptus in question.

If Xiao needs his help, he will be there as fast as he could, but the unsettling feeling of a foreign aura similar to Xiao and at the same time not... makes him significantly anxious.

In the near of the Dihua Marsh, where the sun steadily settles down, mixing the sky with beautiful orange and lilac, Venti's eyes shift at the area, the aberrant ambience around the air getting heavier. With careful and light steps, he slowly closes the gap to the aura, and when he catches a figure in the distance, Venti quickens his pace, his legs carrying the road to the one he hopes to find him safe and healthy.

The shape of the figure comes closer, making it easier to decipher what and who it is, and its undoubtedly Xiao. However...

Opening his mouth, he wants to call him, but the person in question turns around and Venti pauses.

Short, messy locks that slightly moves to the pleasant breeze, velvet paints the strands of hair instead of the familiar teal. Green, dangerous eyes stares at him in silence and not his beloved golden pearls he used to enjoy. His outfit is different that Venti remembers; his torso is mostly bare, a thick, red rope is around his chest. Everything is dissimilar, this Xiao is surrounded by velvet, not a single trace of teal frames his entire being.

"Venti." The person before him moves his lips, his expression is neutral, almost cold and Venti shivers, and yet he knows... this must be Xiao. The tone of his voice, the way the tone vibrates in a low, pleasant way is idem, but why does he feel... contradicting?

"It's good to see you, Venti." Xiao enunciates again with a smile visible on his face, his green-mint eyes glinting delightful and dangerous, telling him wordlessly the peril he's about to encounter, if Venti opts to stay.

This isn't right, these thoughts cross his mind again and when Venti sees him coming closer, he instinctively takes a step back and Xiao pauses on his tracks.

"You aren't Xiao, are you?" Daring the question, he slowly walks back, the persons smile turns into a smirk when he notices the grave mimic of the bard. "Why do you think I'm not Xiao?" He continues to walk towards Venti, until he's close enough and before the bard would escape him further, he grabs his wrist, forcing him to stay still.

Venti's heart sinks down, upon close, he's now certain that this is certainly not Xiao, but a faker. When Venti tries to pull his hand away, the faker's grip tightens, glaring at his direction, he keeps struggling. "Who are you?!"

The one who wears Xiao's features sighs and yet the smile remains strongly. "I am Xiao, but," He leans into Venti's personal space, his breath tickling his cheeks. The struggling ceases as he stares at Xiao with wide eyes. "I prefer my original name. Alatus." Alatus' other gloved hand lifts to place at Venti's cheek, rubbing his thumb at the soft skin, moving to the corner of his lips.

Alatus. The name is familiar to his ears, it is a name that is long forgotten and yet it was told to him from the one who once carried it and discarded away.

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