in many seasons, the spring was only looking at you by a unknown writer

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PS: for some reason I can't find the author of this book T^T

Kazuha properly sets foot on Liyue for the first time. He is not quite sure what to make of it or how he should feel. This land is different from his own home. The sun shines down onto the people. Kazuma is not sure when the last time it had shined on him was. At home, the sun shines, but it does not hit people. It is just there, just something to look at as people go about their day. Home...he does not have a fixed one. The island is his home, but Kazuha does not have anywhere to go. He wanders. Inazuma is quite different from either Monstadt and Liyue. Their god is always watching, and everyone feels the eyes on them constantly. Here, the people seem quite free. Kazuha wonders what it's like to be free. He brings his hand to his side. His vision, the smooth stone is hanging from his clothes. He is still in possession of it. That relieves him. He is not sure who from Inazuma still has their own vision anymore. His archon...Raiden has almost taken them all. Kazuha is an enigma. He knows every corner of his home, has witnessed all the beauty and horror it contains. That is why he was able to come here, vision still in hand.

The past is the past. Kazuha shakes his head. Raiden cannot chase him here, being much too afraid to leave Inazuma for a second. Here he He has a feeling that his definition of the word holds an entirely different meaning than everyone else here. Safe means Raiden cannot get to him. Kazuha is safe. He has never been safe before. Only ignorance. And even then, everyone has to open their eyes at some point. Kazuha decides to take a walk. There's not much else he can really do.

Liyue is quite pretty, Kazuha finds. Inazuma is also beautiful, but Liyue is different, in a way. Everything is more...relaxed, carefree. People freely run around and play with each other. Vision users walk around, seemingly without fear of it being taken by Raiden or the soldiers. The colours, too. The harbor is filled with them, red, blue, yellow, everything. Back home, all he can remember is dull grey and burning purple. Quite the contrast. Here, everything is much easier on the eyes. And on himself. He can be a nobody, wandering the streets in awe. He does not have to be somebody being chased after by soldiers. He does not have to hide. Here, attention goes to those who want it, to those who want to stand out. Kazuha does not want to be noticed, so he isn't.

Time passes quickly in Liyue, not like the slow drip it is in Inazuma. Before he realizes it, the sun is setting, and he is already up a mountain. The region appears to have quite a lot of them. Kazuha does not mind this. The view from them is quite nice, especially now with the sun setting. He makes a mental note to try and acquire a kamera. He wants to remember this when he's eventually forced to return back. Raiden cannot chase him here. That is true. But it does not loosen the grip she has on him any less, and Kazuha knows she's only being patient because there are other vision users on the island. No sense in wasting time on him, not when he was in the Geo Archon's territory. Kazuha knows that when he's the only one not under her control left, though, that she will have no mercy, and he will be forced to give up his vision and return. He does not want that moment to come. He gently grips his sleeves, the red, white, and black fabric hiding the..side effects from what happened last time. He will not think about them, not when he has the time to be by himself. Not when he has the chance to finally try and be free . In the land of stone and under the setting sun, Kazuha sleeps. He sleeps peacefully for what feels like the first time in eternity. The sun is warm and he is safe . He does not have to be worried about hilicurls or slimes, or anything of that sort, for this mountain is too high for any of their liking. He can just sleep.

Venti is riding the wind. Mondstadt will be fine if he goes away for a few days. He does not have a specific purpose in mind. Liyue is a city of contracts. Quite wealthy, and people from all of the other regions travel there. Maybe Venti can play a song. He can listen to rumours and news of what is happening from afar. He is quite curious, for the winds usually do not tell him anything much. The talk of the people is where he can find his information. He is not Zhongli, who remained in contact with everyone, nor is he Xiao, who keeps track of all things that could pose a threat to the city of Liyue. Something catches his attention. It's a person, sleeping right at the top of the mountain. The air must be quite thin up there, yet he seems fine. Venti recognizes their clothing, but he cannot place a finger on it. Where is this stranger from?

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