Return of Oblivion still by Isa_K9

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 The next morning was more normal than one would expect after what happened. They didn’t exactly talk about it. But they weren’t quite ignoring the issue either.

A few days later Venti still didn’t know where they stood amidst this situation. Was it just a fling? A one-time thing that they would never address? Venti didn’t want that.

Despite it starting from them being drunk and, basically, horny. He liked Xiao and Kazuha too much to let it be just that, but at the same time he was afraid of finding out how they felt about it. Venti didn’t want to break apart their friendship nor make it awkward since they lived all in the same flat.

“Mora for your thoughts?” 

Venti yelped, hands coming up to rub his forehead where it had been flicked by Xiao who was leaning on his arms on the back of the sofa.

“I’ll accept that mora.” He replied, side-eyeing the Liyuen student.

Xiao rolled his eyes, walking around to sit next to Venti.

“What’s going on with you? You’ve been kind of distant.” 

Venti brought his knees up to his chest, hesitantly looking away from Xiao. He wasn’t ready for this conversation.

“Nothing. I’m fine.” 

Xiao gave him a look and Venti averted his eyes completely, hands nervously playing with the hem of his shorts.

A hand gripped his chin and tugged to turn his head back, Venti unwillingly complied with a pout as a blush crawled up his cheeks.

“You’re lying.” Xiao stated the obvious, “I don’t like you lying to me.” He let go then and leant back, “You’ve been distant ever since…” He went silent and Venti internally screamed for the abyss to open and swallow him up whole. “Is it because of that night?” He had his brows furrowed in confusion.

Venti hugged his knees and refused to answer. The silence was enough of an answer.

“Do you regret it? Is that it?” Xiao questioned, Venti looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Regret isn’t the word he would pick. Rather, he liked it too much to leave it just as a fling.

“...No.” He finally deigned to answer quietly as the blush on his cheeks intensified.

“Then what is it?” Xiao seemed to be at a loss since nothing else beyond usual had happened, “Please tell me.”

Venti bit down on his lip and took a deep breath. He couldn’t ever keep anything from Xiao, might as well get it over and done with, right?

“Okay, okay, you got me.” Venti sighed, “It is about that night. I just–” He huffed, struggling to find the right words, “Was it a one time thing for you guys? I don’t wanna make this awkward nor tear apart our friendship because of it!” Another huff as he tried to avoid slapping a hand over his mouth, “This is stupid. I’m sorry for being distant, forget all about this. Just know I don’t regret it.” He finalised with a nod, pointedly looking forward at the turned off TV which was a mistake cause it just showed their reflections on the screen and he could see Xiao staring at him in silence.

Venti let the silence stretch on.

“I thought I was the overthinker in this house.” Xiao cleared his throat, “Venti, I understand where you’re coming from, but nothing has really changed… Or rather it did, but for better or have you not noticed how we’ve literally been dotting on you?” He chuckled, Venti turned to look at him with wide eyes, “Sure, we’re not the most obvious people, but Kazuha and I have… Um… Tried to show our affections in our own way?” Xiao scratched the back of his neck, embarrassment creeping up on him. “I don’t keep buying apples, baking pies, buying you your favourite coffee and helping you with the maths homework simply because I want to. I do it because it makes you happy and seeing you happy makes me happy.” 

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