1. the invitation

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it was your grammy's birthday, and she decided to invite you and your family over for dinner.  your grandma was always the cool type, so you always kind of looked up to her. she literally drove a monster truck with both flyable wings and flamethrowers attached to it, could drive up to 2,000 MPH, and was over nine feet tall, sooooooooo...

plus, she was really hot.

as you lay back in bed at 11:00 am (bc you have no job and you're really depressed) and hug your pillow, (bc your lonely) you start to think about your grammy and how hot she is. you hug your pillow a bit tighter and imagine a person who is hotter than anyone else you know; grammy. but wait -- you can't think that! thats weird, you tell yourself, don't think about your grammy like that!  but then you remember that you live in alabama, so it's okay. anyways, you soon realize that your grammy's birthday party starts at 11:03, so you throw the pillow out your window six stories up and rush down the stairs, however you accidentally trip down the stairs and break three different bones along the way, but it was a quicker way down so you didn't mind. 

as you hop in your car that is quite literally falling apart you drive faster than you ever had before. you accidentally run over an old man on the sidewalk, but you put the blame on him because he was the one "walking in your way".  you call your grandmother on your flip phone and listen to the quiet ring of it. 

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