17 - Therapist

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He has been Mr. Bakugo's therapist for years now, ever since he was a little boy and cursing him out. The reason such a little boy was even in his room was because he had pushed a child down from a high playground side. He had fallen straight down and broke his legs, almost his neck. The school demanded that he attend therapy to atone for the action. The bad part was it was not an accident. He comes to learn this when the little boy tells his side of the story.

"The bastard was making fun of my Deku and like hell i was just gonna let him. He got what he deserved."

Just a friend being protective, that was his first thought. He discovered it was much worse in other sessions, when Mr. Bakugou finally started to open up.

"It's because Deku is mine and he knows it. Problem is no other extra does. They bully him and have to pay for it."

He wanted to make sure what he thought was right. Mr. Bakugou was a child after all, he doesn't know what he's saying. Years went by and Katsuki was in middle school.

The boy had been ranting about something at school, but stopped when he mentioned Izuku Midoriya, AKA Deku. The other boy was important to Mr. Bakugou, more important than anything else. The mention of the boy sparked something in him, and he became more animated, more excited, his palms letting out small sparks.

A small thing, but as more sessions passed, Mr. Bakugou confided things to him.

"I was thinking of getting rid of this extra. She keeps talking to Deku and I'm fucking sick of it."

"Why do you feel that way Mr. Bakugou?"

The teen glares at him, annoyed.

"Because Deku is mine. I take care of him, protect him, love him, he's mine."

"You don't own anyone Mr. Bakugou, do you think maybe you feel that way because you aren't used to Mr. Midoriya talking to others?"

"What the fuck does that even mean. Deku doesn't want to talk to other people. He's mine, that's just the way things work old man."

"Do you think about the other girl a lot?"

"Yeah. I think about blowing up her face and watching it bleed."

He heard that the girl had gone missing.

He was concerned, alarm bells rung in his head. He knew he had to report this. But before then, he wanted to try something. The next session, he invited Mr. Midoriya to sit in. The introductions had gone by smoothly, and he was asking about Mr. Bakugou's day, how he has been. He noticed the stare that was placed at Mr. Midoriya most of the time he was speaking, and how the two of them gravitated towards each other. Mr. Bakugou is excused from the room for a moment.

"So, Mr. Midoriya, Mr. Bakugou talks about you a lot during our sessions. How do you feel about that?"

His eyes land on him and a shiver runs down his spine. He doesn't know why. The other smiles and answers.

"I'm happy kacchan is thinking about me. I think about him all the time."

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