13 - Held Back

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Nothing had really been out of place this morning. Izuku had followed kacchan to school like normal and he was rewarded with kacchan throwing him into the supply closet and using him. It had been a really good morning now that he's thinking about it. Even when the teacher announced a new student was coming to this class (Like it wasn't already full of worthless people undeserving of being in the same room as kacchan) it didn't stir anything in him. But when she walked in, alarm bells went off in his head.

The girl's uniform was anything but allowed, and Izuku internally screams because how is this girl allowed to even enter the school. Her skirt is short and as she smiles and clasps her hands in front of her, Izuku is in a position, so he sees everything. The teacher's eyes linger a second longer than they need to and Izuku's skin crawls in disgust. She must have noticed the older man looking, but instead of saying anything, she shoots him the same sickly-sweet smile.

She introduces herself, but Izuku stops listening after that. Kacchans seat is in front of him so he knows he must have seen at least something. Izuku didn't see him react at all so maybe he didn't? The thought that kacchan saw anything from this girl and liked it makes his stomach turn in distress. He was probably staring or something because kacchan tilts his head and gives him the side eye, an eyebrow raised in question, and then he looks at the direction of the girl, signaling. Izuku knows that look.

'Do you see that extra?'

Sometimes Kacchan reminds him of the nosey women that he sees when he's out shopping, gossiping to each other with raised eyebrows and barely disguised disapproval. It makes him smile that he's the only one who knows this small detail about kacchan. He nods softly and kacchan turns his head back to the front when his name is said.

"You'll sit next to Bakugou. Raise your hand."

Kacchan does so with a glare on his face, and the girl's eyes widen as she walks by. Still, she smiles at him and kacchan ignores her. That would have been the end of it. It should have been the end of it. But she just couldn't look away. Izuku saw the lingering gaze and the way her cheeks would heat up softly.

He hates it.

The rest of the class, Izuku is having daydreams of ending this girl. He'll give her one more chance. He doesn't like killing people, but if he has to do it then he has no other choice. The bell rings for free period and the girl makes her way to Katsuki's desk, which isn't far from her own at all. Kacchan turns around in his seat to talk to Izuku (Yell insults and curses) and the girl stops by them. She smiles at him but ignores Izuku completely.

"Hey. Your Bakugou right? I'm-" 

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