20 - Updates Pt. 3

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"Midoriya, do you wanna know something?" 

The bully drags out the 'something', a malicious glint in his eyes. The other two bullies continue to kick and dig their shoes into Izuku. 

"I think you enjoy getting kicked around." 

He lets out a laugh, hands on his hips. 

"Why else do you keep getting your ass beat over and over? There's no other explanation other then you being into it." 

The bullies snicker. Izuku is bloody and bruised, his body stinging and sore. The sun is low in the sky when they are all done, landing a final blow before leaving. Izuku lays there for a couple of minutes. 

'Why? Why me? It's not fair, who deserves any of this? What the hell did i do? Why does this happen to me? Why does no one help me? Even just a little bit...' 

Izuku finally finds the strength to stand up wobblily and grabs his bag. He walks, wincing and letting small winces of pain leave his lips. He leaves the school grounds and walks down to his house. He walks past the same ally way he always walks by on his way to school and home, but right when he's almost halfway past it, he feels his legs give out and he falls. Before he's going to hit the ground, the blond catches him. 

Izuku's vision turns hazy, and he makes eye contact with the boy. His eyes are glossed over with tears and confusion, his mind not processing what is happening. Tears run down his cheeks, and he lets out a broken sob. 

"P-Please... Save me... Help me! I don't want to be alone anymore!" 

The blondes eyes widen, and his own face contorts into a concerned desperate expression. 

"My perfect Izuku, i would never leave you, I'm always here for you. I'll be the one to save you, protect you, do anything for you because i love you with everything i have. Please don't cry, I'm here, I've always been here..." 

Izuku stares at him and smiles, looking exhausted. 

"Thank you... So so much." 

The other lets out an excited whimper. His Izuku, reaching out to him, begging to be saved, for his help, needing him. It feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest and his hands are getting sweaty. He takes a couple of deep breaths, calming himself down. 

ok ok ok 

First, check on Izuku's wounds, Katsuki does so, carefully taking off Izuku's yellow backpack. He opens the first pouch and takes out a first aid kit. Katsuki props Izuku up onto the alley wall so he's slouched against it. Katsuki starts to carefully unbutton Izuku's uniform jacket with shaky hands. 

"I-I'm about to see Izuku's bare chest... Oh my fucking god i can't wait... ah..." 

Katsuki quickly unbuttons the metal buttons and slowly takes off Izuku's uniform jacket. He carefully lifts the white shirt under, caressing the boys skin. Katsuki fights the urge to lean down to the clear smooth chest and place kisses onto it. He can't just leave Izuku like this, he begged for his help and Katsuki would do anything to help his angel. 

Back to the matter at hand, Katsuki starts to disinfect, bandage and clean all of Izuku's cuts, bruises and slashes. His eyes narrow on every single scar and mark, as if his glare would erase the damage, they left on his beloved's body. 

Random Yandere One Shots Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now