Part Thirteen

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Damon's POV

I'm so fucking nervous.

I sound like a pussy but it's true.

I wake up at 5 a.m., which is usual. But the moment I open my eyes, my heart started racing.

Now, I really sound like a pussy.

Every time I'm around Aimi, my whole being is consumed by her. My eyes solely remain on her.

I'm not someone who likes to be touched so what makes you think I would be the one to touch others?

But with Aimi it's different.

My hands couldn't stay away from her. It doesn't help that her brown skin is always so soft and she always smells so good.

Her body is perfect. Perfect for my hands.

The way her body felt in my lap the other night. The way her full hips started to explore the hardness she felt underneath her.


It was so difficult to control myself but I respect her too much to take advantage of her like that.

We didn't have a label on our relationship... yet. I don't want her to be confused.

I know I want her.

She is already mine, she just doesn't know it yet.

My snooze alarm quickly knocks me out of my thoughts and I finally get out of bed.

I brush my teeth and rinse my face with water, then I throw on some shorts and a sweatshirt. All black, as per usual.

I grab my duffel bag with my workout equipment and I head downstairs.

As I walk into the kitchen on my way to the garage, I see my mom behind the island preparing some food.

"엄마," I start and she looks up at me sheepishly, waiting for my scolding, "why are you up so early? You should be resting, it's your off day." I greet her with a kiss to the forehead as I speak to her in Korean.

"You say that all the time but there's only so much resting I can do. Besides, I enjoy making breakfast for you, but I rarely get to because you always kick me out the kitchen." She responds back to me in Korean, "Now sit."

Her tone leaves no room for argument so I sit down as she sets up our meal.

After she takes her first bite, I immediately dig in.

But as I eat, I watch my mother eat, too.

I enjoy watching my family eat. Before, we ate to live and most of the time it wasn't food that was appetizing. Now, we live to eat and everything we eat is what we desire.

"Are you and Aimi dating yet?" My mom asks me.

I suddenly choke on a grain of white rice.

I shake my head no, vaguely answering her question.

"I saw you two the other night," she starts, I warily look up at her, "getting hot and steamy." She finishes shimmying her shoulders.

I sit up from my seat and reach to kiss her forehead, "잘 먹었습니다, 엄마."
(Chal meogeosseumnida) (I ate well, Mom)

I start to clean up my area and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

"야!" I hear my mom exclaim from behind me.
(Ya!) (Hey!)

After I'm done cleaning and I grab my duffel bag, say goodbye to my mom, much to her disgrace, and I head to my car.

Ten minutes pass and I arrive at a mixed martial arts gym.

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