chapter 4

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a year later and Dmitri had proposed and Natasha was expected to accept, they were already planning the wedding and so natasha had no choice but to accept, her family invited the avengers. the avengers came "ah it is Earths mightiest heroes" and Dmitri was eager to meet them, he was going to boast to natasha that he was best friends with Hawkeye, he told them to follow him into the drawing room, where the Tsar and Tsarina sit with Azalea, "my ladies and lord meet..." clint cut him off when he saw a red headed women "Nat?" he asked she looked different too different, but clint could recognise her from a mile away, the women looked up only one person called her "nat" she froze when she saw her old friends and husband, "clint" she walked over to him and hugged him never letting go, "nat you ok?" he asked she shook her head and looked at him, she hadn't been sleeping very well, she was lucky not to get sleep deprivation, she placed her forehead against his, everything was perfect again except for a few details, Dmitri, her parents and the wedding, "uh how do you know the avengers" the red head looked at her grandmother like she was mad and then turned back to clint and hugged him again, "old friends" said steve, Dmitri cleared his throat and the assassin was pulled from clint and to Dmitri "i think you my love have hugged your old friend enough, were getting married tomorrow and everything must be perfect" natasha shifted uncomfortably, and sensed her fellow assassin had left the room she followed, meaning everyone else followed her. "clint?, for heaven sake where are you?" then she remembered heights he loved heights, she went to the roof and sure enough he was there frowning "do you not remember the promise you made one year ago" he said turning to face her, with the rest watching and eavesdropping "i didn't really have a choice" clint scoffed "what happened to my natasha?" "she changed she came home" "home?" scoffed clint "they've changed you except you are to stubborn or stupid to see it, you fought every-time someone tried to make a choice for you, you are cold hearted and now look at you parading around in jewels and a dress" "exactly i was cold hearted, i was an assassin, i was a weapon and now look at me all mighty and they can't get me again" "i think i preferred my natasha not what his face's natasha, you still get nightmares tell me does he make them go away?" "no" she said "you see i preferred the natasha who tried to kill tony on a daily basis" natasha couldn't take it anymore, she kissed him, Dmitri screamed "traitor" to natasha, and the two assassins looked at each other "actually you'll find i am already married, also i think i will go home, find a cousin or something like that, but i am not part of Russian royalty i am part of the avengers." "be nice and ask" said Erena and natasha rolled her eyes. Tony got paid twenty dollars from thor and bruce and steve and the avengers were happy to have their red headed assassin back.

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