chapter 3

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the avengers left, but none wanted to leave Natasha behind, especially clint, she had to practically force them into the quinjet, she was sad and cried silently, she looked at the palace and wondered if she made the right choice. She went back inside only to be gretted by her maternal grandmother Azalea Petrovna "uh who are you?' asked Natasha "я не понимаю, что ты говоришь" Natasha sighed "кто ты?" "Ваша бабушка дорогая Наталья. Американцы не принесли тебе пользы, теперь ты говоришь по-английски, как будто это твой родной язык" {your grandmother dear Natalia. American's have done you no good, now you speak English as if it were you native language} natasha sighed and walked away, her mother and father came inside "Наталья Алиановна Романова ты куда?" "Моя спальня и меня не беспокоить" Natasha slammed the door shut and locked it. she cried, she should have gone with them, she knew the nightmares would return. Eventually she fell asleep, she had nightmares and she woke smothering a scream "did i make the right choice" she asked herself. 

tea time

natasha walked downstairs solemn and was greeted by a man with her grandmother and parents "а кто этот чувак?" "твой будущий муж Наталья" answered her father, natasha went pale "Мама, папа, бабушка, я должен настоять, чтобы вы сначала разрешили мне устроиться" "бред, Наталья, мы должны поскорее выдать тебя замуж, чтобы родились наследники, к тому же ты не останешься вечно молодой и красивой, что бы ты ни думала." replied the tasrina "мама, я не думаю, что останусь вечно молодой и красивой, что случилось с вами двумя, раньше ты не одобряла моего принудительного ношения платья, а теперь ты согласна, что мне нужно выйти замуж, почему?" "это будет моя вина, Наталья, я им сказал, что принцесса всегда должна быть презентабельной." replied Natasha grandmother, "onto introductions" said Erena "Natasha Romanoff" "ahha, name and title" "Grand duchess Natalia Alianovna of Russia, aka natasha romanoff" her mother sighed "Dmitri Mikhailov, son of an aristocracy family in Russia" "great, good to meet you, bye" and natasha walked off without eating and went to the balcony, she sensed someone behind her and attacked and pinned them against the wall, it was Dmitri "don't do that you swine" she hissed. and walked off only making Dmitri more infatuated with the grand duchess.

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