chapter 2

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"so romanoff it seems you know Russia well?" said tony "you could say that" said natasha, not saying more about her homeland, instead she went into her own head to try and work things out, "Tash?" asked clint his voice seemed distant, she shook her head "i can't do it, the fact that they are near scares me" she said in German, clint sat next to her "i know" he replied in the same language he put his forehead against her's and natasha relaxed a little, the avengers arrived in Russia and Natasha slipped into her native accent and language, they managed to get to the palace, a girl spotted the russian assassin "Мама, смотри, это Наташа Романофф и Мстители." [Mum look it is Natasha Romanoff and the Avengers] natasha and clint smiled, the tsarina greeted them "привет, я царица Эрена, пожалуйста, приезжайте и познакомьтесь с моим мужем, и мы расскажем вам обо всех наших затруднениях" [hello, i am Tsarina Erena, please come and meet my husband and we will tell you all of our predicament] the avengers looked at natasha and clint, clint translated and natasha looked around, the tsar saw natasha, her striking red hair similar to Anastasia the former Tsarina, natasha looked at portrait of the former queen of russia and was hit with memories, faded, but of that women and those people "Наталья, моя принцесса, моя дочь, ты вернулась" [Natalia, my princess, my daughter you have returned] clint and natasha snapped their heads to the tsar in sync, the tsarina noticed how much natasha looked like Anastasia and the tsar 'natasha my name is natasha and i assure you i am no princess" the tsarina pulled out a photo of two year old natasha and then touched the locket on natasha neck which also hid her wedding ring and engagement ring, and the tsarina pulled out a matching locket, natasha stood "i need more evidence than that' Erena played once upon a December [Russian version] natasha was hit by nostalgia.

two weeks later

natasha's family decided not to reveal the face of the grand duchess Natalia Alianovna of Russia until the tsar died which now with his daughter back wouldn't be for quite sometime they hoped, natasha was forced into a dress much to her and her parents disdain, natasha never liked dresses, and when she was younger they would let her wear what she wanted. Natasha and clint had rooms right next to each other, one night while she was in clints room she felt the other side of the bed empty, she got out, she was only wearing a bra and underwear and she grabbed her dressing gown and walked to the verandah, she wrapped her arms round clints waist and put her head on his shoulder "i don't want to leave you here" "i know but you must, America needs the avengers and we will always be married no matter how far away we are from each other, i will never betray, that was part of our vows remember?" clint nodded and natasha let go and walked beside him and they locked eyes, natasha kissed him. and then went back to bed. Clint stayed on the verandah for a little longer and then joined his wife in bed.

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