Lycoris (I): Picked Some Lycoris

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"Beware of the old in a profession where men die young."
- Kevin Lacz, ex Navy Seal

From blossomed clouds come water-petals into the fresh spring air. For hours water droplets continues to descend from the heavens and found themselves into the city of Tokyo. Some found their places on a café and strike the glasses and bricks that reflects the sounds of each hit in unison like an orchestra. A number of them lingered on a sign written 'Sweets & Cafe, Lyco Ryco", brightened yet shadowed at the same time by the grey darkness of the raining around.

"おい、千里! ラテをおかわりしてもいいですか? これがないと集中できない!"(Hey Chisato! Can I get another Latte please? I can't focus without it!) A lady wavered her pen holding hand at the seat as she rest her clipboard on the other hand onto the table.
"はい、来ます."(Haiii, coming up!). Chisato replied in her usual energetic manner from the other booth and gets things prepared in speed. She jogs through Takina who is making her well known special chocolate cake for the coffee machine. As Chisato works around with the coffee machine. Mika placed one of the jars onto the shelf and glanced, he smiled like a father when he see the teenage girl handling the coffee machine as if she's already a skillful adult worker.

"最後の一杯ですが、大人であってもカフェインの過剰摂取は健康に良くありません." (Last cup though you know, it's not healthy to drink too much caffeine even for an adult.) Chisato smirks, handing the latte over to the artist. "千聖さんのことは知っていますが、あなたのカフェラテは美味しすぎてたまりません!"(I know Chisato, but your latte is too good, I can't get enough of it!) Both laughed. Coming out of the kitchen Takina brings the cake to the table next to Chisato.

Mika continues the restock watching the girls having their time with the customers. As he finished the restock he heard a sigh coming from his left. "この雨はいつ止むのでしょう... こんな雨が降っているのに、どうやって夫候補を探すのでしょう!"(When will this rain stop... How am I going to look for my potential husband when it's raining like this!) Mizuki mumbles aggravated laying her head into the counter. " 心配しないでください、中原さん、街には良い子がたくさんいます。 いつか見つかるでしょう。" (Don't worry Nakahara-san, there are plenty of good boys out there in the streets. You'll find one in some day.) An old lady at Takina's table replied.

"高校生の頃からもう10年以上待ってるのに、このままでは年をとりすぎて男を引き寄せられなくなってしまう! ああ...それとカナダでほぼ手に入れたもの..."(I've waited for more than ten years already since high school, at this rate I'll get too old to attract any guys before getting any! Oh... And the one I almost got in Canada...) She cried, looking towards the table. And time passed quickly as the shenanigan continues between the counter and the booths.

A bell ringing notice caught Mika's attention. The last customer that was there have left the café couple minutes ago and they were preparing to close the shop early. With a sense of confuse his eyes turned over towards the front door, entering from there were Harukara and her partner Otome.

"ああ、また二人だね." (Ah, it's you two again.) Mika said.

"良かったらまたパフェお願いします! どうでもいいよ! 一瞬で思いつくものばかり!" (A parfait again please if you don't mind! I don't care what! Just something you can come up with an instant!) Otome shouted in a hurry, placing both of her hands onto the counter. "フキさんも欲しいですよね?" (You want one too Fuki?) Mika asked looking at the young Lycoris.

"いいえ、さくらに持たせてください." (No, just let Sakura have hers.) She replied calmly. Mika chuckles as he starts working on the parfait. "タキナさん、ちょっと来てください." (Takina, come here for a moment.) Harukara then asked, crossing her arms with her back against the counter. "はい?" (Yes?) Takina set down her broom at the booths and walked over.

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