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Daisy pov

It had been a week since I found out about the cullens. Things have changed. I still don't really like talking to them, stay in my room most the time. But Carlisle has dropped me off at town  on his way to work the other day. Gave me a chance to skateboard although Alice was very dissapointed when I didn't return with new clothes, just very muddy shoes and jeans

I tend to avoid my new found family. I trust them not to kill me, and I try not to be so rude, but I'm good at causing arguments for no reason and don't want to do that with them. I talk with jasper sometimes, although not often. I think I upset him abit. Sometimes, I hug him and laugh with him, but I'll wake up and ignore him. I do feel bad, but I don't want him to think I'm staying. I wouldn't mind staying here, surprisingly, I don't have any longing to run away. But I've been in the system long enough to know that it's dangerous to make yourself comfortable. I know kids who are dragged from Foster homes for no reason. One kid had to leave a Foster home of 3 years because his social worker was moving house and wouldn't be able to drive such a long way. They really only care about their files and money, not us kids

I was lay in bed watching Rick and morty on the TV esme had bought for me. I think she realised that I liked being in my room more than the family room, and Edward probably told her how bored I was

"Hey, we're going to play baseball, you wanna come?" Jasper asked. I didn't take my eyes off the tv

"Nah I'm good" I mumbled shooing him away so I could keep watching my show.  In reality, I was so glad he was leaving. There's a storm coming, and I hate storms. The thunder and lightning are not my cup of tea, and the sound of rain and hail hitting the roof makes it feel like the ceiling is about to cave in. I didn't want them all to hear me cry, that would be incredibly embarrassing. I sometimes forget they are vampires. It can get annoying.

A couple days ago, i started watching 50 shades of gray. I've seen it before, nothing new. I got about half way through when I suddenly remembered, they can hear every...single...bit. You know how parents walk in at the worst times? It's like that, only my Foster parents never walked in, because they had free audio to what sounded like a live bloody sex show. What's worse, Edward must've heard all my thoughts...and let's just say that they weren't all pg. It's embarrassing, but I never mentioned it and neither do they

I heard their car leave and thought I was alright to walk around the house. The storm hadn't quite started yet, so I thought I'd make myself a sandwich in preparation for the horrors ahead. Well, the horrors started on the stairs. As I was walking down, I saw jasper and he made me jump out of my skin

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he apologised

"I thought you went to play baseball"

"Edward told me some of your thoughts, I thought it best to stay with you. Even if you don't want me around, I can leave you alone. But I didn't want you to be scared home alone" he explained

"Fuck sake Edward. He's so nosy" I grumble walking towards the kitchen. I make myself a sandwich and go back upstairs as jasper goes to the living room to give me some space. A few minutes later, the thunder started making me jump. Then the lightning. I was on edge waiting for each crack of lightning and rumble of thunder until I realised, I didn't want to do this alone

"Jasper" I whined lay in bed. It wasn't very loud but he was there in a second

"Scooch over" he smiled. I did that and he got under the blanket, grabbing the remote and finding a film to watch

"What's your favourite film?" He asked me

"The breakfast club" he smiles down at me and puts the film on. I keep my distance until their is a loud smash of thunder and then a spark of lightning. I Jump into his side, wrapping my arm around his waist as he wraps his arm around me

"It won't hurt you, you don't have to be scared" he strokes my hair back so he can see my face

"Fear keeps me alive. I could get struck by lightning and die"

"In my 150+ years on this earth, I can safely say that I've never been struck by lightning and its really not that likely" he tries to comfort me but it doesn't really work. He's a vampire, science is clearly different for them

"Jazz, I don't like the storm, don't happen to have any powers to make it stop?" I ask snuggling into his chest. He chuckles and kisses my forehead

"Sorry darling, no powers to stop the storm" its then that I feel slightly braver, calmer and more relaxed, no longer on edge from the thunder

"You made me feel...calm. You shouldn't do that, i know it doesn't make you feel nice when you have to manipulate emotions. You get sad and tired" I tell him

"I don't care, as long as you're safe and happy, then im happy" I smile at him and kiss his cheek. A blush covers my cheeks as I lean against his chest, watching the first half of the film, forgetting about the storm

Carlisle pov

We get back from baseball and hear light snores so signal for everyone to be quiet. Jasper stayed because daisy was scared of storms. I told him not to, doubt she'd appreciate having an audience whilst she's scared. Not been one for sharing her feelings.

We look around for jasper but don't find him. Maybe he went hunting. I go into daisy's room to check that she's alright. Jasper is lay with with his eyes closed, whilst daisy is laying on his chest asleep, his arms around her protectively

"Jasper, you doing ok?" I ask him. He doesn't open his eyes but he obviously isn't asleep

"I'm good" i smile and leave them both. I'm glad daisy is settling in alright. She's become apart of the family, just hopes she realises that she doesn't need to be scared. Edward says she doesn't want to get close with us incase social services drag her away. But I would never let that happen, not unless she wanted to leave

Their Daisy- Twilight- Completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora