New Day at U.A. Part 2

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After the entire ball incident Dan was bombarded with questions and people, much to his chagrin. Some of them asking about his power, some asking about his life story, some asking about his quirk and even a small amount asking for his. . .hair. Fortunately, his homeroom teacher stepped in and asked everyone to see their score on the leaderboard.

As he walks with his classmates there, Dan could still here some whispers about his prior performance.

"Maybe you shouldn't have thrown the ball like the sweaty tryhard  you are." Warped interjected.

"If I didn't I'd end up second, besides you couldn't help it yourself." Dan argues nonchalantly.

"Damn straight! In this world, it's yeet or be yeeted!" Warped says while pumping his fist into the air.

"This isn't a game."

"You're right! IT'S A DAMN RACE AND WE AINT SECOND. . .Wait, why don't you want to be second anyway?" Warped asks.

"Buzz Aldrin?" He attempts at an example

"The f**k is Buzz Aldrin?"

"My point."



Dan glances at the leaderboard with what seemed to be a poker-face, hiding his internal frustration as Warped abundantly laughs so hard he was on the verge of chocking. Within a span of 1 minute 30 seconds he does this non-stop, not even taking a moment to breathe until the timer is over.

"'iF i DiDnT i'D eNd Up SeCoNd' he said, and guess what! HE COMES UP SECO-" Warped was interrupted with his user desummoning him, leaving Dan to his own thoughts.

"Bastard." He thinks to no one in particular as he folds his arm over his chest and stares at the people below him.

"Mina Ashido; Fifth Place, and Toru Hakagure; Sixth Place. . ."


He hadn't really been paying attention to the students until now, so there's something off about those two.


As he continues his thoughts he hears gasps behind him then turns his neck to look at a small, dwarf kid with purple balls for hair. He looked like he was crying, but Dan somehow knew he wasn't really crying about leaving U.A.

(I was thinking of keeping Mineta, then I remembered the first time he met Eri. . .HE'S GETTING THE FU-)

"Mineta. . ." Mr Aizawa utters without a sense of emotion

"Sir Please!"

"Out. . ." With that, he walks away and heads for the exit to U.A's gate.

"That could've been all of you if you weren't careful." Mr. Aizawa announced, earning a scared look from most of the students, while Dan shows an understanding nod, he knew Mr. Aizawa was bluffing originally until Mineta, the name of the kid he now knows of due to said homeroom teacher, came into play.

After that's out of the way, he goes back to looking at the leaderboard. He doesn't know why, but he is very suspicious about the two here and he doesn't even know everyone's names. He'll need to investigate later, but for now he'd play it cool. Can't have being caught spying on someone, especially on the first day of school.

"Let's just get the day over with." Warped says after he appears behind his user.


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