New Day at U.A. Part 1

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Images of his past flash through his mind. Horrific things that had happened during that time, all the losses he went through, the pain and suffering he endured and the adventures he went through during those times. Although most of them are hardly visible, there is one that is more superficial than the others, the day his life began.

10 Years Ago

The cafeteria of Nabu Middle School was quite lively that day, filled with so much young students, some with the potential to be great heroes. The setting had a lot of long tables with chairs to support the student sitting around them as they chat about everyday things, socialize and play with each other, all while smiling.This was a regular school day to almost everyone. . .

ALMOST everyone.

"Woah!" A loud thud could be heard from the entrance of the already slammed open door. Everyone looked over to originator of said noise. This turned out out to be a boy who looks a little too young to be here, he had orange hair, a pair of black glasses and braces on his teeth, he wore the general uniform for every student there which is a white long sleeved shirt that was folded into a short sleeve, red tie and black pants with black shoes and socks.

"Well Tawagoto, how was your entrance to the cafeteria?" A kid with black and gold hair said.

"Owwww." The orange haired kid calls out in pain as he gets on his knees to arrange his glasses. "M-My n-name is Towagoto s-sir."

"Nah, I feel fine calling you that. Ain't that right Sanjiro?" Said person walks in on the two.

"Heh, of course, perfect for quirkless nobodies like him." A kid with curly brown hair, purple eyes and wearing a peach and yellow jacket over his uniform says.

Towagoto looked around him and found himself the center of attention. . .correction, laughter. Soon he felt a bunch of food being thrown at him as he runs out the room.

Present Time

He wakes up with no physical expression as he just opens sluggishly opens his eyes. His sight was greeted with the usual appearance of his room, which was not a sight to behold. The wall is loosing its layers as holes could be visible, allowing him to see the rusted metallic pipes and electric wire, his room was very dark with only a small amount of light from the top reaching the area, as well as his bed being jiggered with few wholes and destroyed wooding, there are a lot of insects there too. 

Under normal circumstances, a normal person wouldn't even think of living here; Dan was anything BUT normal. Over the years he had gotten quite comfortable with his accommodations, perfect, simple, and dangerously uninviting to anyone who dares to enter his home.

As he gets off his bed he simply heads to his bathroom, which had a broken glass door and empty tiles on his blue wall. He walks out feeling refreshed, he grabs his Wine red jacket and stuffs it into his bag then after wearing his U.A. uniform.

"Ready for your first day of school, dear?" Dan's stand, Warped Crimson innocently says in a motherly voice.

"Hrn" The grunt was his only response. Soon he grabs his bag and leaves for U.A.

Minutes Later

The streets of Japan were always quite lively, usually one could get lost in a place like this. It had so many happy people, walking off without a care in the world. Men and Women chat amongst themselves while children as evergreen as always, play around these parts. Meanwhile, Dan stops by the road side as a Taxi stops by.

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