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n. used to refer to something which is regarded as surrounding, holding or restricting someone

After Nyferia and Aemond's...reuniting, she had been able to slip away in the middle of the night. Walking down the halls in her husbands night robe, none of the guards dared to look her in the eye or speak. Pulling the heavy door open and closing it behind her, she walked into the Kings chambers. The woman quietly dragged over a chair to the side of his bed to sit down.

The sound of the chair legs hitting the floor caused the King to wake with a start, Hid one uncovered eye squinting to see who the dark silhouette was.

"Alicent?" He croaked out, only to get a small laugh in return and avoice saying, "Surely not."

On shaky arms, Viserys pushed himself up, Nyferia stood up for a moment to move his pillow so he may be sat up with little effort on his part. A small smile made it way into his face when he got a better view of his visitor. "Nyferia..."

"I've returned." She said with a slightly smirk.

"I hadn't realized you left again."

She made a small face, that he thankfully didn't notice, while saying to herself, 'Just shows how much she doesn't tell him.'

"You've come to visit me?" He said.

"Yes, it seems so."

There was a small bit of silence that was filled with Viserys' ragged breathing. Nyferia really didn't resent the man in front of her very much. She didn't hate him for the time that he struck her across the face in front of her entire family. The only reason they weren't close was because of how he neglected his and Alicent's children in favor of his first born. It made her sad to see the affects of his neglect on her husband and his siblings. Aemond and Aegon's youngest brother had left home just to get away from their fathers ignorance.

"How are you doing?" Nyferia asked him.

"Fine, all things considere-" His words were cut off by his own hacking, pushing himself up in the bed as he moved his face away from her.

She stood up and poured a small glass of water from the pitcher on his bedside table. She gently helped him drink it, the water soothing his throat and stopping the coughing. He let out a raspy breath of relief as the woman set the cup down closer to him and sat back down in her seat.

"You don't sound very well. I think whatever is under that bandage would prove that." Her words were gentle despite their context.

"I promise, I am okay. I have a tea that the maester had been bringing me. It helps with the pain."

While his words were meant to ease her mind, they did the opposite as she thought about the situation he was in. His wife was drugging him to keep him compliant enough so that she and her father were the ones running the kingdom.

"How are you though, any war stories I would like to hear?" He asked with a quirk of his lips.

"Oh, the usual. Blood, killing...carnage. That sort of thing." She spoke with a loving smirk. Nyferia stood and moved to sit next to him on the edge of the bed. "I do have something to tell you." Her voice got quieter as she got closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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