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n. open resistance;
bold disobedience

Over the four days that Aemond's family had been in Driftwood, the young betrothed couple had been trying to spend every waking moment together. Besides the few hours that he had been called away by his mother and she had met Aegon.

Nyferia genuinely enjoyed being around Aemond. Yes, he was timid and not very talkative but he seemed to be warming up to her, laughing with her more and smiling. She hadn't been excited by the idea of having a betrothed that she had had no say over but once meeting him, she was actually happy. He would treat her well, unlike other women she had heard of that had been married off to lords.

He was quite pretty too. Aemond had blushed when she told him that.

They had been spending time near the water's edge since the morning. The prince had been sat on a drifted in log while he watched Nyferia hold her skirt up slightly so it wouldn't become soaked in the foaming ocean water that rolled in.

She would run down the wet sand when the water went out, letting out a small giggle when she wouldn't move back fast enough when the tide came back. He found it kind of odd how she acted considering her age but not in a bad way. He liked it, he hadn't ever met a girl who was like her.

A throat cleared somewhere behind them, causing the two of them to whip their heads in that direction. Hands behind her back stood General Asnia, a tall women from the North that had pledged herself to Laena when they had visited, now she was pledged to Nyferia in the girls mother's death. She had dark skin, no hair at all and sharp eyes that only seemed to soften when she looked at Nyferia.

Her chain mail clinked when she stood straighter at attention. "Your father says it's time for lunch. He sends me because he wishes to discussion something with you before." She looked over to Aemond and said, "Both of you."

He had a confused look on his face. Why did Daemon want to talk to him?

"Alright. We'll go now." The white haired lady left the water, grabbing the rag she had brought and dried off her legs. Aemond had grabbed her shoes and stockings for her, walking towards the guard. Nyferia smiled in thanks as they followed General Asnia.


The large wooden doors of a empty room in the palace opened with Asnia's force. She stepped in, standing stiffly with her back to the door as she announced, "Princess Nyferia Velaryon and Prince Aemond Targaryen."

"Thank you, Asnia." Daemon said cooly, stood across the room with his hands clasped in front of him, "You may go."

She nodded, walking out but brushing her hand over the girls shoulder in comfort for something Nyferia didn't know yet.

The door closed behind her and all that was left was the two betroths, Daemon, the Queen and then her personal guard Ser Criston Cole.

"Father, Your Majesty." Her head dipped to them.

"Daughter. I see you two have become... acquainted with each other."

"Yes, quite. Me and Aemond have become close, something I wasn't expecting before I meet him." She responded calmly even though she could feel the tension in the air.

crave the burn - aemond & aegon ii targaryen Where stories live. Discover now