Chapter 4

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The next day brought lots of new hope. You signed all the documents Jiyeon handed you the night before and slipped them to her promptly at 9 am. She was busy for two hours after that, so you ordered the items the team needed for MAMAMOO's new album, White Wind. At 12 you decided it was time for lunch.

You headed down to the break room where everyone hung out. You came to realize that one break room was used by idols, and then the more popular one was used for the whole company. Maybe for V Live filming?

Today you brought food for yourself, so you sat and slurped noodles gratefully for a while. No one else sat in the break room yet and you wondered if there was a scheduled time where everyone was supposed to come in.

Your theory was 100% right, unless everyone at RBW got hungry at exactly 12:30. The door opened and a wave of loud talking and laughing flooded the room.

It was Yonghoon laughing louder than anyone, arm around a handsome, kind of buff guy walking at the head of the group. The two were accompanied by 5 other men who you soon recognized as members of Oneus. That handsome buff guy wasn't just any handsome buff guy. It was Leedo.

A whistle. "Who's this new girl??" Ravn asked.

"Y/N!!!!" Yonghoon shouted excitedly, dislodged himself from Leedo, and ran over. "Hey."

He stood close enough that you had to look up to smile since he was so damn tall. "Hey."

He guided you in front of him to face the 6 members of Oneus. You felt yourself sway slightly since it felt like a dream come true. Although you also didn't get great sleep last night.

"Oneus, this is Y/N, the new stylist of RBW!!" Yonghoon said. "Y/N, this is Oneus."

"I got that," you responded shakily, but soon pulled yourself together to bow. "Nice to meet you!"

"You too," Keonhee said with a small smile.

"Yah! That's noona to you!" Yonghoon chided.


You looked at Yonghoon while the Oneus members got comfortable on the couch. "You have fully stepped into the mom role."

"I prefer dad role," he smirked.

You choked.

Luckily the Oneus members weren't paying attention but you quickly changed the topic. "So, Yonghoon.."

"Did you eat?" he asked, leaning in to talk quietly.

"Yes, I did, did you?" You responded, grateful that he asked.

"No, that's why I came in here, but now that I think about it the best food is in the second break room."

This sparked your interest. "Is anyone in there right now?"

"I think Byul-Noona and the others are all in there actually."

Your excitement must have shown on your face because Yonghoon smiled softly down at you. Today he wore a black t shirt and transparent-rimmed glasses that made him look sweet and sexy at the same time.

"Do you wanna come with me?" he said with a small smirk and a head tilt.

"I thought you'd never ask!" You took his arm and began leading him out the door. "Bye Oneus!"

"Bye," Xion replied through a mouthful.

Once you guys were out in the hallway, it was a short distance to the second break room that seemed exclusively for artists. On the way, you and Yonghoon walked close without touching, talking about the ribs in the break room and how you still haven't met MAMAMOO.

Yonghoon made you wait while he knocked and entered in case someone was filming. Then he pulled you in by the hand.

"MAMAMOO, this is Y/N, a new stylist on your team."

If Oneus wasn't a dream, this was. All four members of MAMAMOO sat in their respective spaces, just naturally existing as gorgeous. You stumbled back slightly but Yonghoon put a hand on the small of your back, just while you needed it.

"Nice to meet you all!" you bowed. "Please take care of me in the future."

"Nice to meet you!" responded all four women kindly.

"I see you've met Yonghoon," Hwasa smirked.

"Yes indeed," you grinned as Yonghoon barreled for the fridge and pulled out a large black box, like the ones used for leftovers. He yelled, "Thank you Noona!" Then he ran out.

"THOSE WEREN'T FOR YOU!" Moonbyul stood up.

You couldn't help but laugh out of disbelief. "Did he really steal your ribs?"

"Yes," Moonbyul grunted. She clicked her tongue. "Rascal."

"I guess so." You peered a little closer at her. "Your hair looks really good!!"

She beamed and it made your heart happy. "A compliment from a professional guys! Look at me!"

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