Chapter 2

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You got take out and ate in the break room, then headed back to finish Moonbyul's outfit. Papers, you could sign with half a braincell. Moonbyul's outfit.. you needed to be in a work flow.

It was 1 am when you finally finished and you wasted no time getting up, albeit exhausted. "That was some hard ass work that you just put in Y/N."

You grabbed your stack of papers to do on the ride back and grabbed your jacket. Looking at the four stunning outfits, you did a mini excitement dance and began heading out, making sure to turn off the lights and lock the doors as Jiyeon instructed.

As you approached the stairs, you realized you could hear acoustic guitar and the sound of singing from above. While you really wanted to sleep, you also felt curiosity spark within you. You came to this industry because of the music; somehow, this was the only music you had heard all day.

You ascended the stairs until you landed on the floor where the music was loudest. Down the hall, a door was open, and a melody flowed from it. You peeped in to see who it was creating something like this.

It was an idol around your age, tall with broad shoulders on an otherwise slim figure. He had dark brown hair that fell into his eyes,  his gaze tipped down to focus on his hands. His hands delicately strummed the guitar and he hummed to it, occasionally throwing in lyrics.

The song was beautiful.

You stood in the doorway, unsure of whether you should enter or not. You decided to wait until he had finished to gently knock on the doorway. He looked up and smiled shyly, probably in reaction to your goofy smile. When you slid into the room, you noticed how dim the lights were.

"Hello, my name is Y/N," you said with a bow.

"My name is Jin Yonghoon," he bowed with equally as much formality.

You two stared at each other for a second and then burst into laughter.

"It's so late," you giggled.

"Okay, first of all," he started as he put the guitar in its case, "How old are you?"

"26 in Korean age."

"ME TOO!!"

You grinned. "Today was my first day working here, as a stylist for MAMAMOO. I promise I'm not a random person who just walked into the building."

"A stylist? That's cool," he looked you up and down from his kneeling position and licked his lip just the tiniest bit. "Security would think you're an idol."

Whoa. "Thanks," you responded, hoping he didn't detect that he just made your heart flutter. "You're an artist here, right?"

"Yes," he smiled. "I'm the lead vocalist of Onewe."


All of a sudden, a loud banging down the hallway alerted both of you. The singer - Yonghoon - casually stood in front of you, facing the door.

"HYUNG!" you heard a male voice shout.

"Yes?" Yonghoon called. "Are you on V Live?"

"YES," responded a second voice, one you faintly recognized.

Yonghoon shifted his angle a bit so you couldn't see anything, blocked by his height. "Be careful Giwookie, Weve might see spoilers about our album."

You didn't see, but with the slightest twitch of Yonghoon's eyebrow, the younger got the message and stepped back into the hallway with the camera.

"Who?" the voice that originally shouted asked, a lot calmer now.

Yonghoon glanced back at you thoughtfully before stepping aside, revealing a handsome 20-something year old with blond hair standing in the doorway. His eyebrows were really dark, you noticed, and framed his eyes nicely.

"Hi." You introduced yourself.

"She's a stylist for MAMAMOO who just started today," Yonghoon explained.

The boy stared at you for a second longer, wary. Then: "Hyung, can we talk?" He made eye contact with you. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay, I was just heading out," you blurted. It wasn't a lie, technically, until you got distracted.

"Kanghyun.." Yonghoon started to the other while you put on your jacket. "Thank you Y/N, do you want me to walk you out?"

"It's okay, I need to learn the layout of the building anyway!"

You walked to the door, around Kanghyun, who was already a couple steps inside. "Nice to meet you both," you said with a small bow, but you reserved the most sincere smile for Yonghoon. He had impressed you in multiple ways. He nodded back with his charming smile.

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