Chapter 4

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I DON"T OWn BLEACH!!!! well.. yes i do, but not the same kind.

Karin looked at the ceiling  standing above her, exhausted She had went inside of her mind again, to train wiith the girl.

Karin panted,glaring at the girl before her. "When will you tell me about-well, anything!?!" The girl smiled, aggravatating her further. Swinging her fists toward the girl's head, Karin let out a frusturated punch. But, as usual, the girl disapeared and reappeared , Karin now in a headlock.

"You aren't worthy to know." Those words hit Karin in the head like an ice pick. Her hurt turning, into anger, swelled up inside of her.

"ORRRRAHHHHHHH!" Karin cried out a battle cry as she rushed towards the girl. The girl in repsponse did her 'classic' move, bringing her opponent down to the ground hard and fast. She continued in silence after that, keeping a lid on her questions. But still, she unintentionally pestered in her mind.' Why won't you tell me?' Can other people see you?" The girl tried to be unfazed by the tsunami of questions pouring out of her weilder,only to be very obvious about it.

"Damn! Can't you just shut up! It's not like I could answer any of these things! I told you before,  I only know what you know!" The girl growled, holding back some essential facts. Karin stopped, pondering this. The girl sighed in relief, the questions had disappeared.

" can I learn them?"

The girl rubbed her forehead. "You'll have to figure out for yourself."

Karin stared at the wall of her bedroom. It had become a habit, much to Yuzu's concern. She'd brushed it off and went up to her room, to stare at the ceiling. What Yuzu didn't know, was that in her blank expression and limp body, Karin was training inside her mind. She'd been doing it for weeks now, trying to learn something.

Ichigo walked up the stairs, to check on hs sister. His concern was not as great as Yuzu's but it still affected him. "Karin? Can I come in?" With no answer, he slowly pushed the door open.

She lied on her bed, sleeping with an odd concentrated look on her face. It seemed, familiar.Flicking the thought away, he went over to Karin and kissed her forehead. He would have never done it while Karin was awake, in fact she wouldn't have let him. But with his brotherly concern, and Karin's gentle sleeping figure, his emotions were exposed. Picking up a blanket to put over his sleeping sister, he noticed something. A little cut was exposing from out of nowhere. Frowning, he looked closer, only discover more blemishes. She didn't get that from soccer, that appeared right now!

His senses aware, he recognised a powerful steady beat of reiatsu coming from wthin his sister.

Jinzen[ the sword meditation thingie]. That's what he found so familiar. But that meant..Ichigo's eyes widened in horror. She's a Shinagami! He dropped down to his knees, not wanting the Shinagami's lifestyle of many near death moments for his little sister. His eyes hardening, his first thought was,  I have to tell Dad!

Jumping to his feet, Ichigo started running down the stairs. Huffing and panting, he ran faster down the endless stairs. Endless?

Frowning, he stopped. He had run past that odd squeaky stair more than once... He stretched his neck down the stairs, trying to see the end. Gasping, he saw that there was none. The stairs stretched out into nothingness. I must be hallucinating.

"What the f-"

I guess I can take it down now, seeing that you've finally noticed it, Ichigo. The endless starircase was replaced by swirling blue. His eyes flipped wildly back and forth, trying to pinpoint the girl's voice.

"Where are you?! " Ichigo's eyes narrowed. I recognize that reiatsu...Karin!! " Do you want something with me or Karin?! I won't let you do anything to her!"

The voice sighed, and a girl appeared. She had a long, red haired braid running down her back and two serious eyes. She reminds me of Karin..In fact, her reiatsu is almost identcal! Could she be...?

"You've probably figured it out by now." Her grave serious expresson set the tone. "I am Karin's zanpakuto." He took in her immiture fgure.

To the girls and his own surprise, Ichigo blurted, "You don't look like a zanpakuto." She glared menacingly.

"Is that just because yours s an old emo and depressed man? No offense Zangetsu." Zangetsu was here?,thought Ichigo.

A cold breeze shot down his back. Confused, Ichigo turned around to see who had caused the disturbance.

"You are not a zanpakuto."  The gravelly voice of Zangetsu said from behind him. The girl froze for a fraction of a second before laughing cooly.

"Ah, Zangetsu. What a pleasure."

"You. Are. Not. A. Zanpakuto," he repeated, more serious."How are you doing this?"

"Zangetsu, what is going on? You too...Karin's zanpakuto," Ichgo asked warily, aware of the rising tension coming between the two spirits. Zangetsu, the fairly emotionless guy, was now hooked onto the fact that the girl wasn't a zanpakuto, muttering under his breath. Ichigo  didn't know what to think, he should trust Zangetsu's judgement, after all he was part of his soul, right?

The girl that sort of looked like Karin gave a wry laugh."Nothing, your sister is just different from the rest of you Shinagami. Special abilities. "

"And you're the manafestation of her 'special abilites'?," Zangetsu asked sharply.

Ichigo thought to himself, tring to make this scene make sense."But Karin was never given a Asauchi! Is that how she's different?" Zangetsu was now in thought as well.

"Yah.. That's one of the reasons." She smiled sadly. "There are many others I must tell you. Sit, 'cause this'll take a while." Suspicious, Ichigo sat down and listened to the story of his sister.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ichigo's eyes shot open. He was at the side of Karin's bed. She was awake and glaring.

"Onee-san, why are you in here?' Karin said in a dangourous icy tone. Uh oh.

He rubbed his head and shrugged, still a little shaken up.

"You can go now," Karin hinted. He gulped and left. Karin was unnerved.

The girl came at Karin, blade swinging. She stood ready for a counterattack. Just as their blades clashed, a warm sensation came over her, making her blush in embarrasment. Shaking her head, she thought wildly, 'What the heck was that?! It felt so weird.'

Then, the girl claimed she needed to leave, for personal reasons. To which Karn scoffed.'What would you be doing anyway? You're in  my mind! 'But, she'd gone with it, a training session cut short. Then she'd woken up to her brother slumped on the side of her bed, letting out a small shriek.

These events were making no sense but making so much sense at the same time. She'd suspiciously thought that Ichigo had something to do with her zanpakutos disappearance, but had no idea why.

Sighing, she went downstairs to eat.

Karin the Shinagami: Bleach FanficWhere stories live. Discover now