Date (Pt. 2)

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(travis_phelps_no1fan ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE

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(travis_phelps_no1fan ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE. I wasn't gonna do a part two cuz I just didn't wanna stretch it out BUT YOU HAVE SPOKEN SO I MUST FEED YOU.)

          Sal stared out the window, watching as trees and buildings passed by. "What did you tell my dad?" He asked, looking at his best friend. "Told him we'd be at the library," Larry replied, eyes scanning over the road ahead of him. "Not a total lie, me and Ash are gonna be there."
          "What if he shows up and I'm not there?" Sal asked, brows furrowing under his mask. Larry clicked his tongue, grin forming on his face as he glanced at his friend. "Relaaaaax, we got it covered, man." He said, looking back at the road. "Y'all aren't gonna be there for long, right?"
          "No," Sal replied as he looked ahead, watching as Larry began to pull the car to a stop at the red light. "Travis said he had some event going on at his church at 1:30. He has to leave by like 12:30."
           "So if your dad shows up, we either say you went to grab lunch ooooor we just say you went to hang out with him before he has his event. Simple." Sal gave a little nod, mentally stressing about the consequences he could face if his father caught on to what he was actually doing. "Why don't you just tell him about you and Travis?"
          "Yeah, right," Sal said with a chuckle. "He'd rip my head off."
          "Why????? You're seventeen. He should have expected you to get into dating by no–"
          "It's not the dating part, Lar," Sal said quietly, looking back out the window. Larry looked over at Sal, blinking as he began to process what Sal meant. His mouth fell agape as he realized what he meant. "Oh shit....You're kidding."
          "I'm not," Sal said. "I thought it was him just talking shit this whole time. But I've seen the way he looks at Todd and Neil." Sal picked at his fingers, a habit he had when upset or nervous.  "He'd disown me in a heartbeat." It went quiet, aside from the engine picking up when Larry began to drive again. "Sack of shit...," he mumbled. "Why do you think I got anxious when you said your mom liked him?" Sal asked, looking back at Larry. "He's not a good guy behind closed doors."
          "Do you care if I tell her then?" Larry asked. "I'd tell her, but I don't wanna just up and out you."
          "I don't care," Sal said. He saw as the arcade was just up ahead, reminding him of why they were in the car in the first place. "Just make sure she doesn't tell anyone."
          "She won't. She holds secrets like they're the last thing on Earth." Sal nodded again, his stomach beginning to do flips as the arcade grew closer. Larry then furrowed his brows, looking at Sal for a moment. "Was I the first one you told?" Sal smiled softly under his mask. "Yeah." Larry grinned at this newfound information. "I trust you more than anybody on Earth, I know you'll keep it a secret."
          "Don't get me cryin' n' shit dude," Larry joked, laughing slightly with Sal.

          "I can't do this," Sal said in a high-pitched whisper, hands and feet pushing against the door frame of the arcade doors. "Larry, take me home. I can't do this–"
          "Oh my god– YES YOU CAN," Larry said with a whisper-yell, not wanting to draw attention to his panicking friend. He pushed his hands against Sal's back, but Sal wouldn't budge. He looked over his shoulder at Ashley. "Can you help me?"
          Without a word, Ashley came to Larry's aid and pushed against Sal with him. This caused Sal to lose his grip, stumbling into the arcade against his will. "Quit being a baby, dude," Larry said, grabbing Sal's shoulders as he stood next to him. "You're fine. Just chill out." Before Sal could continue to beg Larry to set him free, he heard someone call out. "Sally Face!"
          Sal looked up, spotting the blonde he was absolutely head over heels for. He hurried up to Sal, holding a plastic cup that had jingling coins in it. He had a bright smile on his face, the bruise that accompanied his cheek not seeming to bother him when he smiled.
          "Oh– h-hey," Sal said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Travis then looked past him. "Aren't those your friends?" He asked, Sal turning around. Larry and Ash were now on the other side of the door, Larry grinning as he gave Sal a thumbs up. Sal sighed before looking back to Travis. "Yeah. They were just dropping me off." Travis nodded, his smile never faltering. He then shook his cup lightly, his smile seeming to only brighten. Sal felt like his legs were turning to jelly. "Wanna go play some games?" Sal blinked a couple of times to try and gain his composure, and then nodded. "I bet I can beat you in skee-ball."
          "Dream on," Travis said as he and Sal began to walk towards the games. "My high score is 3,800."
          "Mmmmmm 3,900," Sal said with a snicker. Travis rolled his eyes. "I don't believe you."
          "I'll prove it," Sal said, holding his hand out for Travis to take. "If you win, I'll win you something from the claw machine." Travis grinned, taking his hand.

          Sal laughed as Travis playfully shoved him, the blonde failing at holding in his own laughter. "You're an ass!" He said between giggles, Sal also giggling as his walking came to a halt. He looked up, seeing an empty street. The town was rarely busy due to the low population, the wind being the loudest thing nearby. He looked at Travis, who was looking at the pink bunny that Sal had won for him. He was smiling, suddenly frowning softly. "I can't take this with me," he said sadly, looking up at Sal. "My dad would kill me if he saw me with this." Sal frowned under his mask. "I understand."
          "You do?" Travis asked, brows furrowing. Sal nodded. "Ashley has given me stuffed animals before," Sal said. "I can tell my dad she got it for me so I can hold onto it for you." Travis' smile returned, nodding slightly. "Thank you." He handed the stuffed animal to Sal, who took it and examined it. "Ew, why the fuck is it's face so ugly?" He asked in disgust, having not seen it earlier. Travis tossed his head back as he let out another laugh, Sal lowering the bunny as he laughed with him. Travis looked back at Sal, smiling softly. "I had a great time, Sal." Sal smiled widely under his mask, responding with "So did I." Travis suddenly stepped closer, reaching up and behind Sal's mask. Sal's eyes widened, quickly reaching up and grabbing Travis' arm. Travis stopped, blinking. "I'm... sorry, I should've asked."
          "No, it's just..." Sal sighed. "I don't want this to fuck up everything."
          "What do you mean?" Travis asked. "C'mon. I wear this for a reason, don't I?" Sal asked, loosening his grip on Travis' arm. "Just... don't get your hopes up." Travis hesitated before feeling for the buckle on the back of Sal's head. Pressing it, he pulled it apart with a soft clicking noise. Travis pulled back, eyes widening a bit as he stared face to face with the boy he was madly in love with. Sal bit his lip slightly, unsure of what to say. Travis' kind, gentle smile finally returned. He held the straps to Sal's mask between his thumbs, cupping his face gently. Sal's eyes widened as Travis leaned in, pressing his lips against Sal's as his eyes shut. Sal let his eyes flutter shut as he tilted his head slightly, returning the kiss. After a moment, Travis pulled away. Their eyes opened, faces flushed pink as they stared into each other's eyes. There was suddenly a loud bell ringing in the background, causing Travis to gasp. "Shit‐ my church sermon!" He exclaimed, nearly running off with Sal's mask. He quickly gave it to the blue haired boy, looking frantic. "I'll uh‐ I'll see you at school!" He called as he quickly took off down the sidewalk.
          Sal watched as Travis took off, still stunned about what just happened. He lightly pressed his fingertips to his lips, a tiny smile creeping up on his face. He'd say today was a success.

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