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You had the best time on your date with Billy yesterday. You rode around and listened to music. You loved seeing Billy's wild side and the sex in the car was amazing. You had went to the liquor store and got some whiskey. You both got buzzed and when you finally got home the fun continued. He fucked you like an animal. Your body was still sore today. You rolled over and looked at him, little bruises lined his neck from last night.

You looked down and saw the small bruises around your thighs, put there by Billy's strong hands. You could see the mark of each finger individually. You started throbbing just thinking about it. You stood up and groaned lightly. Fuck, that hurts. You walked slowly to the bathroom. When you came back out Billy was sitting up. His eyes looked your naked body up and down and he smirked at you. "Don't even think about it." you said laughing and grabbing a shirt and shorts and throwing them on.

Billy chuckled lightly before he stood up and grabbed you throwing you to the bed. "Billy, I can barely walk." you whined. He climbed on top of you and kissed you lightly. "I just wanna hold you for a second. I'll behave." he said kissing you again. You melted into his kiss and your tongues swirled together slowly. He pulled away and pecked you twice on the lips before jumping up. "I'm gonna shower babe." he said heading towards the bathroom.

You went to start some breakfast and make some coffee. You heard a loud knock at the door. You went to open it and saw Max standing there breathing heavy. "Max, is everything okay?" you said quickly. "No." she said coming in and locking the door. "Neil knows I've been staying here. He's saying he's gonna come after Billy." she said still trying to catch her breath. "Fuck." you said looking out the window. "How does he know?" you looked at her worried. "I.. I don't know. I've been careful, I swear." she said.

"It's not your fault, Max." you said pulling her in for a hug. "Billy's gonna hate me." she whispered. "No.. no he's not." you said trying to soothe her. Why is she so scared of him? Billy walked out a few minutes later in his towel. "I can't stop thinking about last night, baby." you heard his deep voice. He saw Max on the couch crying. "Oh shit.. uhh.. let me get dressed." Billy disappeared down the hall and came back a few minutes later.

"Billy, I'm sorry." she said when he walked over to her. "Sorry for what?" he said, his eyes searching her face. She told him about Neil and what he had said. Billy clenched his jaw and stood there silently. "I.. I didn't mean to cause problems.." she whispered. "Then you shouldn't have fucking come here." Billy hissed through his teeth. "Billy!" you said looking over at him. "He had no idea where I fucking was y/n! And now.. fuck! I can't escape him!" he said his voice rising with every word.

Max stood up from the couch and Billy looked at her angrily. "Did you tell him? Is this some sick game to you?" he spit. She shook her head quickly. "No.. Billy I swear." she said softly. "Some kind of fucking payback?!" he yelled. Her eyes filled with tears. You grabbed him and pulled him away. "Stop it!" you yelled at him. "You're supposed to be on my side. You love me right? Or was that all bullshit?" he said, his voice angry. "Billy, I do love you. But you aren't gonna blame Max for this. It's not her fault." you said calmly.

"Fuck both of you." he said dryly before walking to the table, grabbing the whiskey bottle and heading out the door. "Billy, stop!" you called after him but he ignored you. Max sat back down on the couch and continued to cry. Fuck. You ran to the door to see him peeling out of your driveway.

Billy's POV

"God damn it!" you yelled as you flew down the street. She's gonna hate me. You couldn't help it. You finally felt safe. You had finally broke free from your dad after all these years. You knew deep down this wasn't Max's fault but if she had just stayed away, he never would have found you. But he was hurting her too. She didn't deserve it either. You took a swig of the whiskey and kept driving.

Your mind swirled with thoughts of your dad. It started young. Memories of him hurting your mom. Anytime you tried to intervene, he would turn on you. Your mom would cry and scream and try to stop him. It never worked. And then she left. He made her leave. I hate him. You took another drink of the whiskey feeling it burn your throat. You were mad at yourself. You've been trying to control your anger. One thing happens and you're in Max's face intimidating the fuck out of her. You reminded yourself of your dad in that moment. "Shit."

You shouldn't have said that to y/n either. My girl. You loved her. You didn't want to lose her. She was a part of you now. She's the best part of me. You pulled over feeling pretty buzzed. You continued drinking, trying to drown out your dad's voice in your head. "Get up and fight, bitch." "Nothing but a pussy." "You're nothing, Billy. Nothing but a screw up. She'll see that too and you'll come crawling back." "You gonna cry for your momma like a baby? I'll give you something to cry about."

"SHUT UP!" you yelled slamming your fist on the dash. You put your hands to your head and let the tears fall. You would never escape him. This had nothing to do with Max. He'd always be right there, in your head. You took a few more shots, your eyes barely able to stay open. I want y/n. I need y/n. Your head was foggy and your vision blurry as you put the car in drive. "I'm coming, baby." you slurred as you took off down the road.

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