The Gift

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Today was the day. Your little baby was six. "This looks so stupid!" you said tearing down the banner. "Hey, hey relax." Billy wrapped his arms around you from behind. "It was supposed to be dinosaurs. He wanted dinosaurs." you said leaning back into him. "It looks great babe. I can totally tell it's a dinosaur." he lied. "I'm not fucking Vincent Van Gogh." you said crumbling up the paper.

"Didn't he cut his ear off or something?" Billy asked. "Not really the point, babe." you said sighing. "Look, I'll go find some dinosaur shit. You just relax. Okay?" he said giving you a kiss. "I can't." you groaned. "I just want it to be perfect." "It will be. He'll love it." Billy reassured you. You gave him a hug and he kissed the top of your head. "Shit, the cake!" you said running over to the oven. Thank god. It wasn't burnt.

"I'll be back, I'm taking Johnny with me." Billy said kissing your cheek. "O..okay." you said. "Come on little man!" Billy called to Johnny. "Yay!! The fast car!" Johnny came out grinning. "Happy birthday buddy." you rubbed his hair. "Thanks sissy!" he smiled up at you before pulling Billy's sleeve. "Let's go!" he said. Billy chuckled down at him. "Alright, kiddo." They disappeared out the door.

You let the cake cool while you cleaned up the house. Johnny didn't have many friends but he had a couple kids from school coming and of course Steve and Robin would be here. You blew up some balloons and hung some streamers. You got out his number six candle and set it by the cake. You wrapped his presents and set them on the table. You weren't able to get him as many presents as you wanted but you had tried your best.

You iced the cake and put some icing in a ziploc bag, slicing the corner to write Happy Birthday on the cake. You looked around the room. It looked cute. You sat on the couch and laid your head back. You heard a knock at the door. Please don't be her. You stood up and walked to the door seeing Robin and Steve. "Sorry we couldn't get here sooner!" Robin said pulling you in for a hug. "It's okay. I'm just glad it's you guys." you said hugging Steve after Robin let you go.

"Have you heard from her?" Robin said. "Not a word.. I just really hope she stays away." you said. You were worried your mom would pop up to tell Johnny Happy Birthday but you never knew what kind of shape she would be in. High or drunk or both. You heard the hum of Billy's Camaro outside. You opened the door and saw his hands full of bags, Johnny on his back. Steve walked out to help him with the bags. "Thanks, man." Billy said to Steve, stopping to give you a quick kiss as he walked by.

He crouched down and Johnny jumped off his back. "I love it!" he squealed looking around at the decorations. "Thank you! Thank you!" he said jumping up and down. You walked over and gave him a hug. "Anything for my favorite boy." you kissed his forehead lightly. "What about Billy?" Johnny said narrowing his eyes. "Nope!" you booped him in the nose. "You're number one." He smiled a toothy grin and ran over attacking Steve.

"That stung a little." Billy joked. You laughed and walked over looking in the bags. "Billy, what the fuck?" you said. "You think he'll like it?" he said. "Those are ridiculously expensive. You didn't need to do that!" you said looking at him with wide eyes. "I know I didn't need to. I wanted to." he grinned. He had bought him a Nintendo. Johnny was going to freak out.

You grabbed his face and kissed him hard. He smiled against your kiss. "He will love it. Thank you, Billy." you said trying not to cry. "I love you, y/n. And.. and Johnny." he said. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in for another kiss. "I think he kinda likes you too." you smiled at him. "Okay, love birds. We have a party to get to." Robin appeared out of nowhere. You laughed as she hooked your arm and pulled you away.

Johnny's friends showed up and you played party games with all of them. Steve chased the kids around and Johnny was having a great time. It was time for presents. Johnny sat in the floor and you placed his presents in front of him. His face lit up as he opened them. He grinned at you as you took pictures of him with your Polaroid camera.

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