chapter 2

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As I walk in " hello Jennifer maris  I'm the new girl" I said " yes your desk is across from Spencer's" he said " thank you" I said " hotch" he said as I walked out " we have a case it murderer in new York and they thinks a group because of this" a blonde said as we get to the meeting room as I see the symbol " hydra" I gasp as I looked down " Hotstar you okay" Derek asked " yeah I need a minute" I said as I walked out dialing Steve " captain there back" I said " Lexie we can't find Barnes he's gone we looked everywhere" he said trying not to cry " hey we'll find him me and you like we used to before the Avengers but hydra back meet me at the air port " I said walking in " I know who it is and It's the matter of how and when to find them " I said " well agent Jennifer tell us" hotch said " first it's anything but Jennifer I prefer Lexie and second they are called hydra they are a organization of very skilled assassins who are either there by choose,born into hydra or brainwashed and the ones who are born in to it or brainwashed don't know they are doing the wrong thing" I said walking in front" may I miss " I asked " of course and it's jj" she said " I am part of a team called the avengers and one of our mission was to take down hydra but at this time when didn't know we couldn't so in the process we saved a girl named Wanda and her twin brother Pietro maximoff then after that we ran into them again as in me, captain America and the black widow and we took them all but one out and he turned out to be brainwashed as he happened to be captain America's long lost Best friend who before hydra went by James Buchanan Barnes and question" I asked as jj raised her hand " why couldn't y'all kill them off" she asked " there like the monster Hercules fought cut one head of two more grows in it's place but for them it like ten thousand grows " I said " why did they brainwashed them" Derek asked " the twins wasn't" I said showing a picture of them " after a certain mission hydra took them in and raised them into  what they though they are doing the right thing " I said " and the guy" a older guy asked " bucky Barnes also known as the winter soldier " I said as I showed a picture as I looked at him as I tore my eyes away" he was brainwashed after the civil war hydra found him on the break of death and after they did experiments on him they filled him with the supersoldier serum and then brainwashed him so he could forget who he ever was so they could build him in the eyes of hydra" I said " so he could be the perfect soldier " Spencer said " yes" I said as I played with Bucky's dog tags" wheels up now" hotch said as we grabbed our stuff as I messaged steve

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